Let's dive into Hebrews

 Let's dive into Hebrews.

   This letter written was" by we do not know". Possibly Paul, Barnabas, Apollos or Clement. ( even Peter) Origen said, " Only God knows".  But its majesty, organized arguments, and beautiful exaltation of Christ as High Priest gives it a message that we sorely need today.  It is full of warnings , but done in such a way that the believer is strengthened.  Written to the " Hebrews" it encourages Jewish Christians to not give in but to know Christ and to keep perservering in their faith. Do not return to their old ways .  Here we too are reminded we live in such a world that does not give us much to anchor on to.  We too face a world which assaults the Christian faith by its indifference to the truth, and the pressure of persecution.

1. What then is the anchor of our souls?  God has spoken ( aorist tense indication of finality ; this is the last revelation TJH-  Bishop Theophilus J. Herter) and He has spoken in the superiority of Christ  as High Priest to all of the other ways of trying to approach God in the past through all other mediators. He has spoken.  

The Jewish system were the building blocks,  but its goal and end is the atoning work of Christ. The theme is Christ who is the perfect, final expression of God's revelation and final redemption. ( Bishop Herter notes on Hebrews . BTH)

The Son has been appointed " heir of all things"  "klēronómos (a masculine noun derived from  /klḗros, "lot" and nemō, "to distribute, allot") – an heir; someone who inherits. biblehub.com  ( the heir was the 1st born who received double portion of inheritance and carried on the name and position TJH)

This has a future where Christ shows His sovereignty.  "Then the seventh angel sounded: And there were loud voices in heaven, saying, 'The [a]kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever!' "  Revelation 11:15

Application---if this is the case, we should rely on Christ, and we should continue to pray and work for His life, death and resurrection to be our focus and for those who do not believe.  There is no other revelation more beautiful and needy than Christ.

2.  " Through whom also He made the worlds"  The Letter to the Hebrews gives us the knowledge that God the Father has entrusted the Divine plan to Christ.  "  The statement here may indicate that Christ was the Creator of the universe in all its phases----past, present, and future. " Erdman The Epistle to the Hebrews

Christ upholds all things by the word of His power ( contrary to Deism).  He is the very image of His substance.  Whose substance?  God's.

Being the radiance of His glory-(apaúgasma) is only used in Heb 1:3 where it refers to Christ's eternal radiance – supremely reflecting the effulgent glory of the Godhead. His eternal light breaks through all the darkness that keeps someone in spiritual ignorance (bondage), i.e. every resistance exerted by sin.

Application- The Divinity of Christ is the foundation of our faith and it is our salvation.  What a Saviour!  It is like a treasure found. 

3. Lastly, Christ " made purification of sins".  He is the Redeemer of men.  His High Priestly work is the theme of the letter to the Hebrews.  

Catharsis- cleansing of our sins ; This Priest sat down .  His work was completed , and fully acceptable. TJH

" The completion of the great work of purification is seen ....from the cross to the crown....to heaven's throne where He sat down at the right hand of God.  ..The Son came to earth in humiliation ....but ...revealed His Father to humanity. He died on the Cross, but in so doing opened the gateway of life to sinners.  He ascended to heaven, and there reigns not only as King of the Jews, nor as man's King, but as Sovereign of the universe."  Thomas Hewitt , Epistle to the Hebrews

Application and Conclusion-  Christ's sacrifice is the blood we need for salvation.  Can there be any doubt?

Conclusion: " They were converts of long standing.  They had suffered patiently enduring pain and reproach. ...some of them were in prison.  Now their early enthusiasm had begun to fail...Their spiritual life was stagnant. They still believed in Christ as the Son of God ...they were still within in the Church ; they still believed in the authority of Scripture. They still showed their love to the saints...but they were immature...were neglecting worship, ..were weary of the conflict against sin, and so were in actual peril of apostasy, or losing their faith in God, of turning hopelessly from Christ. ...frequently among Christians is found disillusionment, indifference, drifting, weariness, practical unbelief.  Whoever the original readers may have this epistle is addressed in a true sense to the Church today."  Charles Erdman in The Epistle to the Hebrews.

On our journey through Hebrews in the next few months we will consider some of the warnings the writer gives and see the depth of our faith for Christ is presented and is our Great High Priest.  Amen.


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