The Heroes of Today

Just had a chance to take a look at this. It reminds me of our trip to Iraq in 2003.

I think anyone who has ever been in the military will like this. We do not always like the mission, but the Soldiers do it anyway. What a great attitude. Seems there are some good applications here for our life here in the US.
1. We do not always like what we have to do in life, but we do it anyway.
2. Life is bigger than just us. We should think of others before we think of ourselves.
3. There was no greater time in my life as I look back now. Be grateful for your experiences.
4. We live in a great nation, and we have a lot to live up to when we realize the continuing sacrifices of our men, women and families in /out of uniform.

Thanks to LTC Lee (ret) USMC for sending this link.


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