Precious Remedies Against Satan's Devices

This Sunday we will begin in the pm service a new study based on the classic Puritan work above by Thomas Brooks c. 1652. I remember going to a Church while in seminary that used this in an Adult Class.

Brooks was born in 1608, and studied at the " nest of the Puritans" Emmanuel College, Cambridge, England. I note he was a Chaplain as I was. He acted as a Chaplain to Parliamentary Commanders during the English stormy Civil War, 1642-1648. After this he was the preacher at St. Thomas Apostles, London. He preached before Parliament .

He then went to ST. Margaret's , Fish-Street Hill. He was ejected from his position in 1662 because of his views. He was at the great fire of London 1666 and the plague the previous year. His first wife Martha died in 1676. His second wife was Patience. He died in 1680.

Here is a quote, " Beloved, Satan being fallen from light to darkness, from felicity to misery, from heaven to hell, from an angel to a devil, is so full of malice and envy that he will leave no means unattempted, whereby he may make all others eternally miserable with himself."


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