
Showing posts from January, 2011


Sermon on the mount Matthew 5:1-12 In these short words recorded in Matthew we have what many say, “ would not the world be a wonderful place if we could live by these?” I have often heard people say this. I agree. It would be a much better place if we could live these Beatitudes. Many admire them. All of wish to be happy . According to Jesus these are happiness. Beatitude means happiness or blessedness from the latin “beatitudo” We might say the word itself breaks it down for us. BE . Secondly, ATTITUDE. In other words our attitudes come from within and our desires. We desire certain things in life , sometimes not always that good and they do not bring us happiness. Jesus has something to say about this. “He opened His mouth and taught them ( the disciples) saying: ‘ Blessed are the poor in spirit , For theirs is the kingdom of heaven…’ ” It all starts here. Without a change of heart we are still going to serve the old patterns and habits and maste