
Showing posts from October, 2016

A Future and a Hope

God's Ways are Remarkable and We Should trust Him! Jeremiah 29 We look at events , situations, and people and our views are just that--- our views. God looks at the same situations, events and people, and says, " I am going to do this; just trust me." That does not always ring our bells does it? We are for the most part not open to it, that is God's ways are not our ways, and that is very difficult. But that is the point, for we do not see Him to face yet in this life. We see through the glass darkly. It helps to set the scene. In Jeremiah 29, our First Reading ( from Morning Prayer) we see this kind of situation. The nation of Israel was going to go into exile into the land of Babylon and prophets as Hananiah said this was not true. Jeremiah stood up and said Hananiah was a false prophet. The LORD told Jeremiah to say in front of all that Hananiah would die within the year and the people to leave the land of Judah, and go to Babylon. Imagine tha

Weddings and faith from Matthew 22

The Wedding Feast Matthew 22 "Life is a Banquet, and the Cake is for you!" That is what I got in the mail from Farmer's Insurance to remind me I was having a birthday on Saturday. But this could be also applied to how God is preparing and has prepared for us a beautiful end to our journey of life at His feast. We celebrate that in Holy Communion every week but one day we shall be with Him forever. The King had prepared for those who were invited a beautiful banquet . We note that his servants had invited people to the wedding. Vs 5 says they made light of it, but the idea of the greek there is that they just simply ignored it, took no notice. It is not the idea of spurning it ( or making jest at it as the Kjv sounds). How much this sounds like so many people today! The invitation to Christ and His kingdom has been sent out but people just pass it by. "Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth. For there is on