The Feast
Trinity II, 2014 " Luke 14:16-24" In the middle of talking about inviting the poor, the crippled, the lame, and the blind to a feast or supper, someone hears our Lord talk about this, and feels the wonder of that kind of action. In this life it is rare that one would invite those who cannot reply in kind to such a feast. " Now when one of those who sat at table with Him heard these things, he said to our Lord,' Blessed is he who shall eat bread in the kingdom of God' ". Our Lord directs this story /parable to this individual to show the hope of heaven and that we also must claim that too without excuse. " When the critical time came, would he really accept God's invitation? Or would he be too busy about some activity affecting his more immediate interests?" The Gospel of Luke, Leon Morris. Too busy. I did not know that the Captain of the Titanic received six warnings about ice bergs on that night in April of 1912 ,...