The Church and its relevance

Has the Church lost its relevance? If you like " USA Today" last week the paper shared several statistics about how many young people feel it is so. Their spirituality is personal and not linked to any organization. I thought the article quite slanted. I wonder who they really polled.

Yes, I understand many are feeling the lack of connection and even some in my own family. I just wonder if they skewed the article towards their view point. There are many dynamic churches today where the good news is being preached and assistance is offered to many. Counseling, fellowships, true teaching are some of the evidences as well as ministries to the poor and struggling.

Wherever two or three are gathered in His Name , Jesus said He was in the midst. If you gather your ideas about the relevance of the Church from a paper you may be mis-led. Of course the Church can be more in tune with the issues and needs of the day. A drive through any community will see many churches. There must be some relevance if they continue to exist and serve their communities!


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