Knowing and doing God's will

Ever buy a used car? Seems some people are happy to sell you something, whether a new job that is not as great as promised or a way of thinking that is not that thoughtful. Recently I re-learned this lesson. I was looking , but when I asked too many questions the other party got angry. HMmmmm? Questions can reveal where people are . Do not be quick to do things others wish without taking the time to think and ask questions. It may save you from problems later on.

So knowing God and following His will is not that easy either. OPen door is not always wha t it appears. The advice of others is to be heeded but not always followed. In the end you live with your decision. So pray, think and above take the time to ask questions and I mean a lot of them! If the other side gets mad, then maybe you found a problem!


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