Pre Advent

Protection, Patience & Endurance- Luke 21:18-19

“…not a hair of your head shall be lost. In your patience possess your souls.”

In the next few weeks (Nov 28)we will begin a new Church year in the Season of Advent. Advent is a wonderful time in the Christian year for it gives us time to reflect and pause before we enter into the Festival of Christmas. Advent is not as penitential as Lent ( the 40 days before Easter). Even the Third Sunday of Advent is (Gaudete –Joy) represented by a rose candle, not a purple one. We drop singing the Gloria in Advent until Christmas. Advent means coming and so we must prepare ourselves for a worthy and fruitful celebration to come. The texts I have been reading this week are also about the Second Coming of Jesus as was our O.T. Malachi 3 & 4, “ For behold the day is coming, Burning like an oven, and all the proud, yes, all who do wickedly will be stubble…” “ But to you who fear my Name the Sun of Righteousness shall arise with healing ins His wings…”

What would it have been to have lived in 1939 in Germany? The last few weeks I have been reading a biography of a great Lutheran named Dietrich Bonhoeffer who did that. He was born in 1906. The Lutheran Church in Germany at that time became the Reich Church and all the pastors had to swear allegiance to Adolph Hitler. A separate group known as the Confessing Church , Lutherans who could not accept this as being in the church came about. They also would not believe that Jews were deserving of state segregation and persecution as did the national Church. For his witness Dietrich Bonhoeffer was put into prison by the Nazis and hung just before the camp was liberated by the allies. ( he also was part of the plot to assassinate Adolph Hitler). He used to say if a car was going down the street out of control and killing people that it was our Christian duty to stop the car. Instead of going along, he led by his actions and beliefs. He is fondly remembered today by many people in his books, lectures and sermons and witness against the Nazis.

We do not live in such days now but according to Luke 21 the days may be days of “ wars “ ---“ They will persecute you, delivering you up to the synagogues and prisons, and you will be brought before kings and rulers for My name’s sake” Today we do not know what kind of country we are headed for. We pray it is not such a place where true religion is held down and not allowed. We believe in freedom of worship and freedom of speech in our country. I read in Friday’s NW Fl paper on the front page that at the Veteran’s Day ceremony was said, “ the way to freedom is not a fast track.” Veterans’ Day is not an empty ceremony or holiday. Many of our veterans are not here with us because they paid the ultimate price for our continued freedom . I had the pleasure of shaking the hand of two WW II veterans this past week, and I thanked them for their sacrifice. One said he did not want any recognition, but he deserves it. At a young age, 20, to be shipped overseas without knowledge of what will happen is a fearful thing. He served in Italy. The other served in the Philippines and I could tell he was proud of his time there as he wore the hat that said “ WW II VET” The way to freedom in our country and land is not a fast track is it? No , it is not. The Church could say that as well. The seed of the Church as it is said is the blood of the martyrs.

So Advent is a time of thinking for that Final Redemption at the Second Coming of our Lord. We prepare. We meditate on these texts. The encouragement is that Our Lord said, “ but not a hair of your head shall be lost.” Whatever we face in our lives and in our land we can believe this promise of Christ. The world cannot harm God’s servants unless He permits it as a part of His plan. God is Sovereign and rules the world by His majestic Son and Spirit.

How do we do it? How do we get thru it? “ in your patience possess your souls.” The word there is two Greek words , patience and endurance. These thoughts are throughout the Scriptures. James 1 is an example “ the testing of your faith produces patience,” & Romans 5: 3 , “ …we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope.” One of the Greek words here means to bear up under, to endure with patience. “ Therefore we ..since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Hebrews 12:1-2

As we prepare in the next few weeks to again celebrate the Advent season with penitence, repentance , and changed lives let it also be with joy. We know not when Christ will return . We know He holds us in His hands , numbering the hairs on our heads. Let us not give in or give up, but let us give with enduring patience that we may see others join the company of believers and those who are on the road to heaven. This is how we will possess our souls, our very lives.


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