Not what we always think seeing Jesus

“ Seeing Jesus-not always what we expect” John 12:20-33
The week was one of sorrow and new understanding for some of the disciples. It was the time of sorrow because Jesus was on His way to the Cross. The Church calls this passiontide, once this was Passion Sunday and it some senses that is still a good term. The Greeks came to see Jesus. They represent all of us who are the nations. Not just for the people of the Jews did He come, but Jesus came for all people.

These Greeks , God-fearers were attracted to the Jewish faith for its belief in one God and its system of teaching and morality. There were others as well. Remember the magi at the manger? Also do you remember the Gentile captain at Capernaum and the Canaanite woman ? Also in the Old Testament we recall Melchizedek in Genesis, Ruth, Job, Naaman the Syrian, and the queen of Sheba. They represent us all outside of the nation of the Jews who God calls to Himself.
They had come to worship at the feast but also wished to see Jesus. Their culture emphasized beauty and art. Instead of what they expected to hear they hear something quite different from Jesus. He tells them about the grain of wheat that it must die to bear fruit. He tells them in contrary to their and art. Instead of what they expected to hear they hear something quite different from Jesus. He tells them about the grain of wheat that it must die to bear fruit. He tells them in contrary to their cultural belief that they must lose their lives to save them.

Proverbs 3:5 one of my favorite verses tells us “ Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths.” It is not what we expect what God provides in our lives. He gives us His Word and His law to direct us. But it is you and I that must believe it and yield to this in our own situations. We have our own ideas of what we think we should do but this is not always God’s way. The world tells us that success is many things. Keeping the law of God is usually not one of them. Our Psalm for today Psalm 119:9-16 boldly asks, “ Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? Even by ruling himself after thy word. With my whole heart have I sought thee; O let me not go wrong out of thy commandments. They word have I hid within my heart, that I should not sin against thee.”

Herman Bavinck was one of the leading Dutch theologians who lived 1854-1921. Many were trying to make the church of his day relevant so they emphasized experience over Scripture. Herman believed that “ the faith of the church can only last when it is built upon the rock of the Scriptures.” ( Banner of Truth magazine, p.20, July 2003.) He also believed that modern theology with its liberalism was powerless at sick beds and death beds. One professor said, “ Bavinck is a man you would wish to have at your death bed.” P.22

Even Jesus was tested to give up the Cross. “ Now is my soul troubled; and what shall I say? Father, save me from this hour; but for this cause came I unto this hour.” John 12:27 “ What a mixture: love and sorrow. Do you see it? Did e’er such love and sorrow meet? Surely that is a challenge, is it not? You who are expert in drama, and in art, and in music that can move people, here is the question the cross asks you. Did ever such love and sorrow meet together or flow mingling down together? No, it is unique. This is the spectacle of spectacles, the spectacle of the ages. “ The Cross Martyn Lloyd-Jones.

Now in our lives and its turns and difficulties we have choices about how we are going to handle it. We are Christians and the world does not always agree with our perspective. I was thinking about how Jeremiah the prophet went through some difficult days in his speaking for God. “ God is true, and living and His voice is heard….The abiding difference between idols and God , is they are carried, while He carries. This is taught by Jeremiah…A man makes his idol. He must carry the thing he has made. God makes a man. God carries the man He has made. That is difference between false and true religion everywhere. False religion is the religion you carry. Christianity is idolatry to some people, because they carry it. True religion is the religion that carries you, that bears you, that strengthens you, that upholds you.” Studies in the Prophecy of Jeremiah –Morgan.
Seeing Jesus is a joy. It is its sorrow with the cross and the passion.

But what can give us hope as we journey to Easter? Our lives do matter to God . Our moments are short here but we can serve others ,” if any man serve me, let follow me: and where I am, there shall also my servant be.” 12:26 A recent widower who reflected on death said this:”
That, after all, is what it comes down to-----trust; trust that a life doesn’t end with death. Trust that there really is some plan governing the seemingly random tragedies we suffer. Trust that our loved ones who have died are forever with God, and that God is forever with us too.”

“ And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.” 12:32 There is a way that we think is right but Jesus tells us that His way is better. His way is the way for this life and the life to come. It may not always be popular or winsome but the way of the cross is the way of life. Will we follow?


  1. Strongly reformed devotion and full of meaning and truth. I love it!

  2. Thanks . And thanks for your strong witness ! I have learned a lot from you and am still learning. David


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