Advent is practicing Christian love grounded in knowledge and spiritual sensitivity till the day of Christ

Advent II.  Philippians 1:3-11 “ Practicing Christian love grounded in knowledge and spiritual sensitivity till the day of Christ ( Advent)”


    In this  letter the Apostle discusses we are to love “ more and more” and how we are to speak the truth and what that consists of in the spirit of Advent, that is the coming of Christ---“ that ye may be pure and without offence for the day of Christ” 1:10  These things are a part of our sanctification, that is getting closer to the holiness God requires of those who would profess in their Christian profession.  This week I read in the morning from Thessalonians where we spoke last week of Paul’s prayer for advent, “ For this is the will of God , even your sanctification.” 4:1


      We are to love as the Apostle shares in the writing to the Philippians.  He says “ I yearn for you all in the affection of Jesus Christ” 1: 8 (ESV)  This is our first duty after loving God.  We say in the Holy Communion service each month: “ Hear what our Lord Jesus Christ saith: Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.  This is the first and great commandment.  And the second is like unto it: Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself..” Matthew 22:37


       But this love must abound he says.  “ Your love must abound  in knowledge and all intelligence, for to approve the things that are excellent, that you may be pure and without offence for the day of Christ…” 1:9  I recall that humorous insurance commercial when Mr. Lincoln is asked by his wife, Mary Todd, “ How do I look in this dress?”  Lincoln responds with great care.  He loves his wife and he wishes the best for her so he tells her the truth but does it with great sensitivity and intelligence.


      These two words in vs. 9 tell us about love .  Love is not a feeling only.  It must be undergirded with “ knowledge” and all “ discernment.” ESV ( “ to approve the things that are excellent)  I want to ask what Paul is saying here for us because we know the first thing we think of is not always love .  Sometimes when we say things they are misconstrued .  But we must say things to others in a way that is loving.  Love does not mean we ignore problems .  If I have a stain on my shirt, I would hope you would say something.  But saying, “ boy did you not look at your shirt before you came out of the house “is rather thoughtless and somewhat blunt.


      I came across this “ A Disciple’s Prayer “ in Quiet Moments with Benedict Groeschel:

       “ O Lord Jesus Christ, Savior and Redeemer, show me the real way to be your follower. Give me the wisdom and humility to learn from your words and from the church which you left after raising up disciples in your own time.  By your example and by your Holy Spirit, deliver me from following my own way, from constructing the image of you that suits my own needs and desires.  Each of my inner inclinations can seduce me to construct my own image of you: my anger, cupidity, self-indulgence, arrogance, self-justification and sense of self-importance.  Like the apostles, I can have my own ideas of how you save the world---but with my help, of course.  Break my pride by your humanity, unmask my selfishness and innate paganism by your providential gifts that impel me to true conversion and humiliation.  If necessary, let the knife cut deeply and let me not cringe back in cowardice.  Let me know the true joy of your real presence; let me experience even in the dark time, the saving strength of your cross; let me be a source of your gracious assistance to those whom I meet along the way.”


    “ I pray your love may more and more abound in knowledge”    This “ word generally conveys the idea of a mental grasp of spiritual truth, but the biblical sense of knowing God in an intimacy made possible through His self-disclosure and received by faith is the main thought….A better knowledge of God and His ways will promote greater harmony within the fellowship, and give the Philippians a clearer understanding of their mutual relationship as fellow-believers.” R.P. Martin in his Philippians.  So there is a place in the Christian life for knowledge of God.  We call this theology if you will or doctrine.  There are things to know about God revealed to us in His Word. 


    “ I pray your love may more and more abound in knowledge and all discernment so that you may approve what is excellent and be pure and blameless for the day of Christ.” ESV  What does little word mean that is translated in so many different ways ?  The AV translates it judgment.  It means perception or discrimination or even tact.  “ It is the employment of the faculty which makes a person able to make a moral decision.” R. P. Martin . In the OT it is translated as wisdom .  “ Let  your reasonableness (gentleness) be known to all men” 4:5  There were difficulties that lead to disunity and fault-finding in the community Paul wrote to .  Here he addresses it.  The first word out of the mouth may not be tactful or wholesome.  But it should be that our love may abound more and more. 


     In this Advent season we have a time to prepare to grow in holiness that we may be more ready and sanctified to receive Christ in his birth at Christmas.  It is a special time of year that allows us to say we need this quiet time to grow in our spiritual love, knowledge and wisdom.  May our God direct us all to true spiritual love and holiness  for the day of Christ.


“ O God of love, O Giver of concord, who through thine only-begotten Son, hast given us a new commandment that we should love one another, even as thou didst love us, the unworthy and the wandering , and gavest thy beloved Son for our life and salvation; we pray thee, Lord, give to us thy servants in all time of our life on earth, a mind forgetful of past ill-will, a pure conscience, sincere thoughts, and a heart to love our brethren; through the same Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.”  A Free Church Book of Common Prayer, 1929.


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