Repentance part two in Luke in a familiar lesson

“ Luke 15---- Looking at Repentance from a Well-Known Lesson “


     Today we re-look at a familiar lesson from Luke’s Gospel.  It may be seen as a continuation of last week’s discussion of repentance from the Epistle of I Corinthians where the Apostle Paul encouraged us to remember that all of the lessons from the Old Testament were written for our example.  There were reasons to repent.  God has provided a way of escape that we may be able to bear the testings and temptations we have in this life.  We were also told we should not “tempt Christ” .

     This week another reason is given to repent.  The parable of the prodigal son paints a picture of a forgiving and receiving Father .  This is a picture of God as well for the person who “ came to himself” 15:7 The younger son realizes his need has not been satisfied with the world’s goods “ riotous living where he wasted his substance”

     There is first a realization that when one turns to God in repentance that God is the one we must repent to.  “ I will arise and go to my father, and will say unto him, Father I have sinned against heaven and before thee, and am no more worthy to be called thy son.” 15:19  Ambrose said in commenting on this scripture , “ This is the first confession before the Creator of nature, the Patron of mercy, and the Judge of guilt.  Although God knows all things , he awaits the words of your confession. 

    Next we see that the father reacts with “compassion.” 15:20  Of course he did not deserve it.  He took all of his money and wasted it.   “ He spent all” 15: 14  It was not until there was a famine that he “ began to be in want.”   Yet the Father is more abundant in his favor to his son.   “ It is a description of the matchless love shown by God to every repentant soul.  The father had never ceased to love the prodigal son or to hope and yearn for his return.” The Gospel of Luke Charles R. Erdman.

    The first two lessons in this chapter of Luke also point to this truth that the Father is seeking for sinners as the shepherd who looks for the lost sheep and the woman who looks for the lost coin.  “ Likewise I say unto you there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth.” 15:10

    We too should be like the father in the lesson and not the elder son who “was angry and would not go in” 15:28 to the celebration.  “ Therefore his father came out , and intreated him.  …..Son thou art ever with me ,and all that I have is thine. It was meet that we should make merry , and be glad: for this thy brother was dead, and is alive again, and was lost, and is found.” 15:32

    Two reasons to change our thoughts, our lives and our actions in these two Sundays of Lent.  Today we celebrate the goodness and forbearance of God in granting us His love and grace in our church and families.  But as we learned last week we should not presume on this.  God is faithful to His promises of love and justice. 


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