The positive benefits of submitting to God's Authority in our lives




Track 1



“Fallen man is not simply an imperfect creature who needs improvement: he is a rebel who must lay down his arms.” —C.S. Lewis and I might add- surrender to Jesus. ( Joe Godal)


“Jesus, the Beloved of God, has a pure heart. Having a pure heart means willing one thing. Jesus wanted only to do the will of his heavenly Father. Whatever Jesus did or said, he did and said it as the obedient Son of God: "What I say is what the Father has taught me; he who sent me is with me, and has not left me to myself, for I always do what pleases him" (John 8:...28-29). There are no divisions in Jesus' heart, no double motives or secret intentions. In Jesus there is complete inner unity because of his complete unity with God. Becoming like Jesus is growing into purity of heart. That purity is what gave Jesus and will give us true spiritual vision”


 by Henri Nouwen. This is wonderful. Unfortunately the church is not always like Jesus is it? The church is supposed to be His body here on earth but because of imperfect men it is not always reflecting the character of Jesus.


Andrew Murray said it this way, “Humility is the only soil in which the graces root; the lack of humility is the sufficient explanation of every defect and failure….it alone takes the right attitude before God, and allows Him as God to do all.”


The Scriptures today all talk about submitting to the authority of God.  We see from the I Kings passage that this is not always popular with others.  The prophet was outnumbered ---450 to 1, yet he was the victor thru God’s intervention.  The world has its own philosophy and agenda that is not God’s law and rule.  The Apostle Paul in the writing to the people at Galatia had to clear up their confusion about grace and works.  They were pleasing men but not “ the servant of Christ” 1:10  The Apostle told them that this revelation he had received was not from men.  It was a revelation of Jesus Christ. 1:12  The Centurion in Luke 7 was a positive example of someone who submitted to Christ and accepted his word without any evidence of it.  “ Say in a  word and my servant shall be healed” 7:7


What are some of the positive benefits that come to us as a result of submitting to God?  On Pentecost Sunday we remembered how the apostles had to wait for the gift of the Holy Spirit in the place God appointed.  When we submit to God’s will we can be assured that we do not have to worry for the results.  He has it in hand.  I am sure many of us would like to take that agenda in our own hands because we see nothing being done.  God often tells us to wait for His presence and direction in our lives despite our unwillingness to do that .   Isaiah 40: 30 one of my favorite verses says this :” even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall: but they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength…”


I read an article on humility last week.  The article talked about practicing “ stillness, silence, solitude, simplicity, sacrifice, suffering and surrender” which as the author said “ lead us into our true identity as children of God and into loving union with Him, which is our true peace.”  ( “ Humility- Rest for Your Soul” in “ Anglican Digest”  Summer 2013 by Catherine Clare)


Submitting to the authority of the Lord in our lives through His direction by the Word and the Spirit gives us the assurance of His presence even when we cannot see the way forward.  This was the situation with many of the people of God and is so today.  We follow not knowing or seeing the result by faith for the pillar of fire will lead us by night and the cloud by day.


Whatever we are finding is difficult we know that the way has been prepared ahead of us by God.  He will not leave us or forsake us when we trust in Him despite all the difficulties and perplexities around us. 


Let me close with this statement from the article on humility---“ How hard it is to yield, to obey.  We must choose between letting go and fighting.  The sacrifices that come our way may be merely annoying or they may be agonizingly painful, but the answer is the same, ‘ Yes, Lord, even this.’ “


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