Prayers for the Town Council on Jan 14

Lord of the (Church), who hast given to thy servants a diversity of gifts, that they may share them with (others)their brethren: Grant us the generous heart to give, the humble heart to receive; that we, with all that love thee, may know the fullness of thy grace; that thy love may be perfected in us; to the glory of thy Name.

Our Heavenly Father, who in thy wisdom hast made thy children not in one mould, but in many, and with but one common likeness, which is thine own: Take away from us, we beseech thee, the pride of heart which strives to impress our image upon other men, and give us the desire only to see in them the reflection of thee; through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Lord, make us apt to teach, but more apt to learn; that we may not only desire to reveal to others what thou hast revealed to us, but with humble and thankful heart to learn of them what they have learned of thee; for Jesus Christ’s sake.

Almighty God, who through thy son Jesus Christ hast given us commandment to do unto others as we would they should do unto us: Grant that every member of our (Church )and nation may so learn and practice this obedience, that as one family we may offer unto thee the manifold fruits of our service; through the same Jesus Christ our Lord.

From Unity in
 Daily Prayer
Compiled by Eric Milner-White and G. W. Briggs
Penguin Books, 1959


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