peace in our lives how to get it and try and keep it through the days

PEACE  John 16:33
    I suppose if we were truthful and we were asked what is one thing we desire in this life more than anything else it would be " peace."    I think this is something we really need. On Friday mornings my schedule is to prepare the Sunday sermon and this is one I wish I could study all day as I have meditated on it all week it does not seem to fill my cup yet totally.  When I was in the service I tried to bring a little peace to the married couples and single Soldiers in our units.  I would bring them to various places to give them a break from the hum drum of the routine of military life.  We traveled to various places such as the redwoods of California, the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center in Austin area, and to the Carmel beach near Monterey , CA.  The Koreans had a retreat center all the way on the top of the mountain overlooking Seoul and we went there once a month with a group of Soldiers for the weekend/ day.  Thomas  a Kempis said, " First keep peace with yourself, then you can also bring peace to others."  My favorite quote which I saw is from General US Grant, " Let us have peace."
     Today , " Let us have peace"  John 16:33 said it this way, "  These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world."  What things?  He had told them that they despite being scattered could have trust in the Father and Jesus His Eternal Son and the presence and divinity of the Holy Spirit wherever or whoever they are with in this life.
      There are some things we are told we have .  We have tribulation.  That is a fact in this life. The verb tense indicates this in the original language. "In the world ye shall have tribulation." That we know too well.  The word is afflictions or sufferings .  The little word sounds like thistles in the original language. Matthew 24 is the same little word .... 24:21 " for then shall be great tribulation..."   But thankfully we can trust that our Lord has " overcome the world"  .  Again the verb tense is helpful.  Our Lord has overcome the world.  This is in the past tense, and with future results for us as well as present results.  He has overcome and as the Apostle John so aptly reminds in Revelation, " we are overcomers."  WE overcome because He has already overcome the world.
        Today however there is one little part I want to emphasize in this Gospel.  Jesus says in the first part of this verse that "in me ye may have peace" ( KJV-" might have peace.")  What is this saying to us?  It is a possibility but it requires a response on our part.  WE may have peace. Yes, it is not a done deal unless we receive that peace ourselves.  Peace is possible in this life Jesus says in Him.  " In me you might /may have peace".
          Why it that we may have it but we do not seem to ?  I came across some reasons from a friend of mine :"( FR Peter Preble, an Orthodox priest in Massachusetts)  ( on these I want you to keep score and if you get 9 or more out of the 12 FR Peter says you are doing quite well; 6-8 is average, and you are obviously trying but there is room to improve; 5 or less is below average and there is room for improvement in your daily life)  *Ready?
1.  I am willing to forgive myself and others. ( if you get half you get half--d)
2.  I have a sense of belonging, meaning and purpose in life.
3. I have a belief system.
4. I participate in regular spiritual activities with people who share my beliefs, and I am open to hearing about others' beliefs.
5. I accept my limitations without embarrasment or apology. ( that hurts-d)
6.I keep the purpose of my life clearly in mind and let it guide my decision -making. ( that one tweaked me-d)
7.I freely give to others.
8.I am comfortable about knowing things without knowing precisely how I know them (intuition).
9. I allow others the freedom to believe what they want without pressuring them to accept my beliefs.
10. I look for and work toward balance when my life is out of balance.
11. I continually explore personal beliefs, values, principles and priorities.
12. Principles, ethics, and morals provide guides for my life.  "
Now how did we do?  Well, we are working on it.  No show of hands.  If you got 6-8 , do not worry.  Just keep at it, and realize you have some room for growth, and peace through prayer, trust and confidence that Christ has overcome the world.  Remember Jesus said," in my you may have peace."  As Christians we have eternal peace with Christ which can never be taken away, but our personal peace can go up and down, can it not????

Conclusion .  Let me read again what Charles Erdman said in his little book on John, "  the 16th chapter (John) enlarges upon the life which results from faith, a life in which in which the Lord by the power of His indwelling Spirit, makes real His gracious presence, gives increasing knowledge of the truth and confidence in prayer, inspires heroic courage, and secures abiding peace."  In Christ.  David


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