Memorial Meditation

Psalm 23
Today we celebrate Pat Mackay ---- her life and her love; at the funeral home , I was asked by the family what Scripture to put in the pamphlet. It was no choice for me as I looked through the many pages that were offered as choices . You will see Psalm 23 there. Many like that and it seems common, but not to me. Pat was not a common person, yet she was at the same time so down to earth you saw her humility and compassion. She was at rest in the Good Shepherd in her spiritual life and that showed itself all the time.

The LORD is my Shepherd. No she did not take that for granted. It was ever there in her living and attitude. The Shepherd was her Shepherd, and she followed . I felt like she was a wonderful companion in so many ways to our parish, her family and her friends. I especially enjoyed having her in the services because I could not get out of the sanctuary without her grabbing my hand and giving me such encouragement that it was like having dessert before I got in the back to have it. I had the great privilege of being here and serving as her pastor. Jesus said in John 10 that He is the Good Shepherd. He lived in Pat and I saw that.

I shall not want. No lack is the idea. The Shepherd supplies to His children. He gives, and keeps on giving despite our knowing or not knowing it. I know when Pat was in the Hill top rehab she was doing the work of an evangelist. She could not stop talking about God. She got to know you first though. Being down to earth, she knew that people were people and needed understanding. I especially liked that about her. She asked me, " Is St. Michael's going to grow?" Talk about being direct. I liked that. NO hidden agenda there at all. I appreciated her concern for others and the need to get the love and message out. One time just a few months ago, she drove into the Women's meeting and Gene our former organist said, " someone has a very low tire." I went out and it was the Mackay car. I told her, and she said," whoops." We went up to the quick stop and put air in it, but I laughed as she drove into the gas pumps area first.

Jesus is our good Shepherd. He leads to the green pastures. He restores souls and though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will not fear. Pat had no fear. She knew that goodness and mercy would follow her all the days of her life, and that she would dwell in the LORD's house forever. We said the Lord's Prayer last Sunday together as she was getting a tranfusion. Then we took the bread, the body of Christ together for Holy Communion. No fear there. I asked her how she felt and said fine. Then I asked her what she would like. She said she could go either way. That was trust. She trusted that the Shepherd would lead her and that was enough.

Today we celebrate Pat and her life and most of all her love for the Good Shepherd Jesus. She was always concerned about others and their spiritual lives. She leaves a big spiritual legacy here in this parish , in her family, and in her community. No one could ask for more than that. As I wrote this on Friday morning, I saw the sun come up in Kerrville. Then I thought of Pat and the prayer we said after she died with the nurses and friends and family. " Into thy hands, O merciful Saviour, we commend the soul of thy servant, now departed from the body. Acknowledge , we humbly beseech thee, a sheep of thine own fold, a lamb of thine own flock, a sinner of thine own redeeming. Receive her into the arms of thy mercy into the blessed rest of everlasting peace, and into the glorious company of the saints in light. Amen." ( pages 319-20 1928 BCP)


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