Sceptics and Critics and Believers

Easter 2016
I know the resurrection is a fact, and Watergate proved it to me. How? Because 12 men testified they had seen Jesus raised from the dead, then they proclaimed that truth for 40 years, never once denying it. Every one was beaten, tortured, stoned and put in prison. They would not have endured that if it weren't true. Watergate embroiled 12 of the most powerful men in the world-and they couldn't keep a lie for three weeks. You're telling me 12 apostles could keep a lie for 40 years? Absolutely impossible.
― Charles W. Colson

Defining moments. All of us have those times in our lives when the light goes on and we see for the first time what we really need to see. In the Scriptures around the Easter accounts as well of the aftermath of the Crucifixion there are people that have defining moments in their ideas of who Jesus is and what happened as He died, and rose from the dead. Many of the people we know in our own lives live in a rather kind of vague hope about the after life without faith in the risen Christ. Look around our town and our neighborhood. Celebrations are going on yesterday and throughout the weekend about Easter. However their celebrations are often around a bunny or eggs only without personal faith in the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world----even Jesus Christ our Lord. Take a moment to look at some of the people around the Cross and the tomb and see their defining decisions about who Jesus was and is.

The skeptics and critics were found in people like Pilate , the chief scribes and the rest of the religious leaders in the Jewish community. Pilate found no fault in Jesus , Luke 23:4, " nothing worthy of death"vs 13. Pilate was willing to release Jesus but the people asked for Jesus' death. Pilate in Mark 14 "marvelled if he were already dead" . To make sure Jesus was really dead the Soldier " pierced his side, and forthwith came there out blood and water." John 19:34 Apparently he was dead, really dead. The chief priests and Pharisees were concerned since Jesus had said he would after three days rise again. Pilate listened as they wanted to have the tomb sealed . Pilate said unto them, " Ye have a watch: go your way,make it as sure as ye can. So they went, and made the sepulchre sure, sealing the stone, and setting a watch." Matthew 27:65

Pilate said he was " innocent of the blood of this man" He washed his hands. Pilate knew that Jesus was innocent and a just man. Yet he could not stop the crucifixion without having a revolt and more dissension, so he went with the action and wish of the people for the death of Jesus by crucifixion. Pilate is a sad case, is he not? He knew that Jesus was not guilty yet he did nothing about it. He washed his hands . He saw nothing more he could do. Do we know any personalities like this? They know but they do not act in faith . They try and ignore the reality and passion of Jesus Christ. Are we of faith ourselves or are we like the crowd and Pilate who were wishing He would just go away? Ignoring Jesus is apathy and unbelief. Pilate's defining moment was to go with the flow of the unbelievers and skeptics, not the faith of the people of God . I am sorry to admit that I know too many who are like Pilate , even in churches who historically affirmed the truths of the gospel, but no longer hold to faith in Christ and the Scriptures which teach of Him, without error .

We have mentioned the Soldier at the cross who John records ( also at the cross ) is one who comes from skepticism to faith in Christ as the Son of the living God. " Certainly this was a righteous man" the Centurion said ,Luke 23:46 How Jesus died affected Him . " And when the centurion , which stood over against Him , saw that He so cried out, and gave up the ghost, he said, ' Truly , this man was the Son of God.' " Mark 15:39 When I think of the Centurion I think of people we know who have gone through terrible things in their lives, have witnessed God's power, and turn to Christ, leaving doubt and criticism. They believe, for God has done things in their lives despite their unbelief, they now do believe in Christ. No one could change them but God alone and that happens in tragedies a lot. A defining moment in the life makes the person new.

He died and His body lay in the tomb for three days. Then according to John again," then went in also that other disciple , which came first to the sepulchre and he saw and believed." 20:8 ( John had outrun Peter to be there ahead of him 20:4). This was the Apostle John's defining moment that Jesus truly had risen from the dead, and was no longer dead, but alive. John is the only disciple who was at the cross, Jesus saying to John at the cross, " behold thy mother." John's mother, Salome was the Virgin Mary's sister. John the poet writer is an example of one who was faithful .

Lastly, note Thomas. Thomas was not with the other disciples when Jesus came to them, John 20:24. Eight days came and the doors were shut , Thomas was there, and Jesus " stood in the midst." Then he said to Thomas to" reach in his finger and his hands, and reach hither thy hand, and thrust it into my side: ( where the Soldier had pierced Jesus at the Cross earlier): and be not faithless, but believing." This was Thomas' defining moment of belief in Jesus , risen from the dead, Lord of all and His Lord and His God.

Conclusion: As we have taken time around and near the Cross and the empty tomb we see varied personalities and reactions to Jesus and His death and Resurrection. Are we among the critics and skeptics or are we those who affirm the Biblical record , preserved in the manuscripts of the New Testament , and believe? If so we must not only trust in Christ alone for eternal life , but we must function as a regular member of Christ's body, His Church. Are we doing that too? Blessed Easter and Eastertide. The Lord is risen. The Lord is risen indeed.


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