Fighting Anxiety

How to avoid anxiety Matthew 6

Usually I detest how to talks. Today I am doing that because if we have severe or periodic troubling anxiety in our lives we will live less years and have less influence on those around us for good. Anxiety is much of the subject of the latter part of Matthew 6. In vs.25 we read, " Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink..."

Bible hub below word usage of the word anxiety or as translated above is take no thought:
merimnáō (from /mérimna, "a part, as opposed to the whole") – properly, drawn in opposite directions; "divided into parts" (A. T. Robertson); (figuratively) "to go to pieces" because pulled apart (in different directions), like the force exerted by sinful anxiety (worry). Positively (merimnáō) is used of effectively distributing concern, in proper relation to the whole picture (cf. 1 Cor 12:25; Phil 2:20).
(merimnaō ) is "an old verb for worry and anxiety – literally, to be divided, distracted" . It is more commonly used in this negative sense in the NT. ( also used about Martha in Luke 10:41 ..." Martha, Martha , thou art careful ( anxious) and troubled about many things."
So the above is some of the derivation of the word "take no thought" in the kjv. Do we worry ? Let's look at why we should not worry in a spiritual sense and reason. Then we will look at some how to things practically.

1. We should not worry or be anxious for "your heavenly Father knows that ye have need of all these things" Matt 6:32
" this spiritual treasure Jesus now asserts , though invisible and intangible, is far more real and lasting than the material good which men and women in their undue anxiety about the future are at so much pains to amass....To set one's heart , therefore, upon them is to live in perpetual, even if unrecognized, insecurity; it is also to deprive oneself of heavenly treasure..." Matthew , R.V. G. Tasker
The first part of this ch. 6 of Matthew talks about prayer and " thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly..." 6:7
If we are anxious we are betraying our faith as we are doubting that God can do what He says He will do. I Peter 5:7 " Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you." Either we believe this or we do not that He will take care of us despite our waywardness and inattention to His will and desires for us. We try. Even our mistakes work together for good as we learn in Romans 8:28.

2. We cannot serve two masters. This started off our Gospel reading for today. " No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one and love the other; or else he will hold to the one and despise the other."
This makes sense. Road kill is usually in the middle of the road. We should figure out where we are headed and go there. Proverbs 3:5-6 is helpful here. " Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths."

3. " The life ( here the word is soul in the Greek)is more than meat...and the body than raiment."
We look at the evidence of nature and know that God does care for His creation. I saw a fall leaf already and it had deep green and red and orange. We know there is a Creator because nothing this beautiful can happen by chance.

Lastly, how do we do it? How do we get rid of the anxiety, the anxious thoughts that keep us up thinking about whatever or whoever?
Practically there are some ways that " Overcoming Anxiety" by Charles Elliott suggests:
" Talking with a friend; Exercising; Challenging your anxious thinking; listening to music; getting support; revisiting what worked before; doing something different;...."
What would you put in that list?
Taking time for meditation on God's Word thru prayers and doing things that will help you to find peace in the moment?

Today we have thought it through. We know our Lord says we should not be anxious, but we are. In God's time, He will make all things right and we will look back and say, " God knew what He what was doing even if we do not." That is our faith that despite all the details of this life they will all add up to a complete picture of His plan . That jig saw puzzle of our lives will eventually make total sense . To Him be the glory!


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