Life a Journey and a Door with Trust Needed

No...I have not left the Church of God, but the one I was the pastor of I did .

Sometimes we feel God does lead us and it is not always easy. We can do the right thing and step out of the way which I felt I had to do in the parish in Kerrville. When the parish switched to another fellowship not Reformed Episcopal, but more roman, I could not teach any longer what I believed in good conscience, so I stepped aside > I wish them well.

I do believe that we should be true to our convictions . I happen to believe that compromise on the reformed nature of the protestant side of the Church made them weaker but they made that choice.

Going ahead with a new call down the road possibly....we will let the new Bishop guide who happens to agree that he could not sign the Fifna roman sacramental system either.... ( so the ACNA needs to come to grips with this issue at some point...).Of course the Bible is our standard, not the Bishop. But we will compromise when we have to.....

Compromise on major issues was not an option for me such as how many sacraments etc...and what is our theology....Believe we should stick to the 39 Articles of religion.

Going through another door. Jesus is our Guide. The Holy Ghost leads us and we trust in God alone.

Wish all well in their journey as we make ours probably back to AL, but shall see how God directs us.

No posts or sermons for awhile but I may do the one here on TUES upcoming for the parish in AL. The sermon will be from Matthew 5.


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