Three Different Reactions to the King

" Three Different Reactions to the King" Matthew 2:1-11
" Almighty God, who hast poured upon us the new light of thine incarnate Word; Grant that the same light enkindled in our hearts may shine forth in our lives..."

1. King Herod---represents a gospel of antagonism
Troubled vs. 3; Later angry when he mocked of the wise men vs 16 & he really wished to destroy Christ.
He inquired of the magi. vs 7
vs 8- he lied

Personality ---fear to acknowledge Him as Lord, as it may result in personal loss..
Joseph Parker, " Can men lie about religious things? Yes. Can men say worship when they mean destroy? They say it every day..."
This Herod the Great was given the title, " King of the Jews" in 40 bc.

2. Religious leaders. v 4 a gospel of intellectual rejection
They were familiar with the prophecy vs -6 from Micah 5:2 which pointed to Bethlehem, but nothing is said of their interest.
At the heart----this too is a facade for a gospel of antagonism, but one of quiet hypocrisy before men.

Many who are most familiar with the facts concerning Christ are least interested to accept Him as their Lord.

3. The Wise men--- a gospel of worship
Came from Persia ( East), probably 40 days after Jesus' birth..

All that is known of them is recorded here. Magi-gk. wise men- probably members of an Oriental princely caste who were familiar with astronomy.
Herod inquired where the star had been manifested...( epiphany) appeared. These wise men were symbols of the many including you and I who were to come to the King Jesus outside of the Jews...

" They were seeking a person. They were not seeking a system, or a theory, or a religion.....I am a person and in a person only can I find repose."

vs 2- they sought a " king" but in vs 11 we read they found " a child" in the house....not a manger here. And they fell down, and (" bent the knee"-lit.) worshipped Him

They brought Him gifts. gold- a King; frankincense -He is God and myrrh -he is a mortal.
Why have we come today? The acceptance of Christ involves our devotion to Him of praise, and of love, and of treasure, and of toil , and of life.

We present to Him our worship. What do we offer Him?

Conclusion- This is the " Gospel of the King"..It is also the gospel of the Messiah; and here Jesus is declared to be the King of the Jews who was predicted as the Shepherd of Israel to be born in " Bethlehem of Judea."
This is the Gospel of rejection and here the rulers of Israel appear from the first to be indifferent to His coming, and all " Jerusalem" is troubled by His birth. It is also the coming Gospel of the triumph of Christ; and here appear the representatives of the Gentile nations offering homage to Him before whom all knees will bow, whom some day all will acknowledge as universal King.


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