Heroes Memorial Day

Memorial Day 2018 - Psalm 121
Rev 7:9-17 Jn 11:21-27 or Jn 15:12-17
" I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills; from whence cometh my help? My help cometh even from the LORD, who hath made heaven and earth. He will not suffer thy foot to be moved.. the LORD himself is thy keeper; the LORD is thy defence upon thy right hand."

I began Chaplaincy in 1988 in the ND National Guard , and in 1989 entered active duty Army Chaplaincy. 20 years in the Army, 9 in the Naval Reserve ( Merchant Marine Academy , Kings point, ny). Two wars, Panama 1989 & Iraqi Freedom, 2003. 2 years in ROK. 20 years in the Army.

Pastor, priest at ST Michael's Church in town, Anglican, and volunteer at Southern care hospice .

What is a hero? Cambridge Dictionary

a person admired for bravery, great achievements, or good qualities
literature The hero is the main character of a story, play, or movie.
So we are surrounded by many heroes.

All gave some; Some gave all. ( a big thank you to John Vick ...)

Lee Otis Battle WW1. Seaman Second Class. Disappeared in the Atlantic aboard USS Cyclops , June 14, 1918. 12 Sailors out of the 309 men aboard were from AL.

Comer Anderson Wilson 1907-1941 US Navy aboard USS Arizona , 34 when he died.

MAJ Lester O'Neal MD, Regimental Surgeon a native of Andalusia, 39th Combat Engineers , invasion of Sicily July 1943, died Nov 7, 1943 in a vehicle attacked by German fighter planes. Did not live to 37 years. Wife Mrs. Louise Pelham O'Neal and daughter Tillie, married to LTC ret. Bill Hamiter, USAF , reside in Andalusia.

Mike Gunnels Viet Nam B -57 bomber gun hit him by accident , Sept 26, 1969 he died.

Wes Hutto, PFC. age 19, killed by an American tank into the rear of his Bradley Fighting Vehicle , 24th Mechanized Infantry. Chaplain Tim Bedsole, held his hand as he died.

All gave some; Some gave all.

Today we remember these few but as I ran over to the Monument on SAT, I ran my finger over the names of those in WWI and WW2 who died, and Viet Nam, Desert Storm.
Lives cut short in war time Service we honor them today in a special Memorial Day Ceremony.

" The LORD Himself is thy Keeper...yea it is even He that shall keep thy soul." " ALMIGHTY God, our heavenly Father, in whose hands are the living and the dead; We give thee thanks for all those thy servants who have laid down their lives in the service of our country. Grant to them thy mercy and the light of thy presence, that the good work which thou hast begun in them may be perfected; through Jesus Christ thy Son our Lord. Amen. 1928 BCP


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