Gleanings from the Calling and Sending Mark 6

Mark 6:7-13 " Gleanings from the calling and sending"
We need a more simpler life. As we look at the news, the world and our communities , it is not. What are we doing to help ourselves to make a simpler life happen? Too many choices is the problem and that can lead to disaster. The battle is in the mind. We heard last week of performers and others we end up dead way before their time. We wonder if money can buy happiness , and would like to try it if we had enough. We should make a simple choice as Matthew Henry says that our lives should reflect , " a new heart and a new way." The message of a simple life in God can be obscured.

Mark is a great place to begin for simplicity and directness. He wrote to the Roman people mostly, but in direct sentences. It seems that many were just interested in what Jesus could do for them, but not in what He said. What He said is the essence and kernal of the gospel message for all.

Mark tells about the works of Jesus. He heals and forgives the paralytic ch. 2. He heals in Mark 3 the man with the withered hand. He raises from the dead Jairus' daughter, Mark 5. In Mark 6 he goes to his hometown, Nazareth where He grew up. The people knew the works He had done, vs 2 and the wisdom He had. But they " were offended at Him." vs. 3 We go today to vs 7 but do not miss vs. 6. " And He went round about the villages, teaching."

Our Lord did not give up on the small towns, and people because His agenda was God's agenda and God does not give up either. That should give us encouragement , because that is where we live. The Lord did not give in to false paths, and goals that left people out. All were important in His ministry.
In vs 7 He calls the Apostles. He had already identified them in 3:13, " Then He appointed 12, that they might be with Him"

1. Jesus does this with us as well. He calls us . Ephesians in the letter said , " He chose us in Him." Eph. 1:4 Our spiritual lives, our very Christian lives start with a calling. " In Him we have redemption through His blood, Eph 1:7, the forgiveness of sins according to the riches of His grace." That is the new heart and therefore a new life. It is exciting to see someone who for their whole life never knew that , and then you see them tell how they began to realize that God could help them. Sometimes it takes a crisis in the life.
Whatever our situations this is the most important thing of all---a new heart is a new life. Our calling is secure when God calls us. Some of us were raised in a Christian home, and at an early age trusted in Christ. We respond in faith and acceptance of the gift that is given to us.

At a retreat center there were some that first realized this truth. Listen to some of their personal statements:
" Ross- from Dell Rapids, SD. ' I have belief , but not a lot of faith. I don't feel as though I have been living my life according to His Word as much as I should. I am going to make changes after this.'
Cayla- ' I was saved ! I gave Jesus my heart and asked Him for forgiveness in everything I've done. Thank you so much for everything!'
Kyle- Greenwood, SC ' I really like the time we had to relax, the food and the Bible studies. I am a strong believer in Christ and my faith in the Lord is strong. However, about six months ago , I had a real low point in my life. I called my pastor, and we talked for awhile. I just felt purposeless and confused. So I decided to join the Army to become part of a team and especially after this weekend, I felt like a much stronger Christian. My desire now is to focus on showing that I'm a Christian through my lifestyle.' "

----Have you and I felt and responded to the call of Christ?

2. After calling the 12, " He began to send them out two by two..." Mark 6:7
Jesus sends out His apostles. He does not leave them there with Him . Christianity is a message that is meant to be shared. We are sent out as well to our families, our friends, our neighbors and to those we meet. Matthew 28:19 reminds us, " Go therefore, and make disciples of all the nations..." We go not knowing where we go . When we are ready, God opens the door. It is good to wait upon Him. We must not go before He sends us. It is not always easy to know where to go, is it? Everywhere we go , even here, there are some that are not responding. But we still go. He calls.

The Apostles were told to trust God. " In whatever place you enter a house, stay there till you depart from that place." " Take nothing for the journey, except a staff , no bag, no bread, no copper in their money belts."

3. We are called, We are sent, and we are empowerd by God to do His Work. What did the disciples do? They were given " power over unclean spirits." They were to going and they were preaching that men and women should " repent." That is the gospel. In other words, change your ways, and listen to God and His Word because that is the way of life. A new heart is a new life.

They were to go out two by two. God realizes we need support and accountability in the Christian life. Just worshipping by ourselves in nature is lovely but that is not the Christian assembly of those called out to love and serve Him. We need the concern and witness of others in His Church.

" They cast out many devils , and annointed with oil many who were sick, and healed them." vs. 13 of Mark 6 The Church has done that in works of mercy and love on the behalf of others. We have been doing that in our way through several years.
Where are we going? We will continue to teach and preach the gospel as the Church as has always done and inherited the trust of the Scriptures. But what else is God calling us to? Note the Apostles did not just preach. They cast out many demons and anointed with oil many who were sick.

What does our community need? What do you need? What should we be doing? Provide a place of life and worship under the direction of God's Spirit in this place---yes. We have opportunities of worship, praise, study and living for Christ in the church and in our lives. Let us pray that God will contine to lead here as He calls men and women, and young people to Himself, to know and love Him above all things, sends them, and empowers them to do His work.


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