Psalm 34 Promises!

Psalm 34 ----Promises Here!
" Many are the afflictions of the righteous; but the LORD delivereth them out of all their troubles." vs. 19
We saw last reading in Ephesians that 4:24-25 we are to "put on the new man , that after God hath been created in righteousness and holiness of truth....Wherefore , putting away falsehood, speak ye truth each one with his neighbor... for we are members of one another."
1. This is the righteousness of Christ and of God Himself. It is not the right ways of man which are the ways of death. Proverbs 14:12, " There is a way which seemeth right unto a man; But the end thereof are the ways of death." In the NT we hear the Apostle echo this thought in I Corinthians 3: 14 , " Now the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him, because they are spiritually judged."

Is it the truth we are hearing? We are to speak the truth because Jesus who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life lives in us by faith.
Make sure we are in the right way and in the right thinking. " Many are the afflictions of the righteous" This is not our own natural way of saying what is right but what is right according to the moral law of God, the Ten Commandments which we read last week, and the new man created in holiness and righteousness. It is not our righteousnessness because they are as filthy rags. " All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all." Isaiah 53. This is the gospel of God and His righteousness, not ours which can never earn or deserve heaven by our own merits. It must be by the righteousness and blood of our only Saviour, Jesus Christ.

If people today have new revelation that tells them that men should marry men then we must be like Noah and go into the ark of the Covenant of God, and be strong in the Lord & in the power of His might. We may be mocked as they did in the time of Noah thinking it would never rain. Remember he built the ark when it was dry out there. Matthew 24:37 reminds us ," they knew not until the flood came, and took them all away....Be ready for in an hour that ye think not the Son of Man cometh."

What morals do men and women have today apart from the Revelation, the Scriptures, the Testaments of God? " In those days there was no king in Israel: every man did that which was right in his own eyes..." Judges 17:6 Where is the moral line today? Is murder of the unborn wrong? Apparently not according to the law of the US . But God blessed the midwives when they disobeyed the king and saved the babies ...because it says, " they feared God, and did not as the king of Egypt commanded them, but saved the men-children alive." Exodus 1:17

Are we of the righteous? Are we of the believing faithful who will stand and say no to those who deny the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments? There are many who pretend to be teachers of God but they shall be judged more strictly if they do not teach according to this precious Book, the Holy Word of God, which is from everlasting and cannot be added to.
If we are , we will experience suffering and affliction. "

2. Many are the afflictions of the righteous.." I wish it were not so, but if you point out to others that they are sitting in a dangerous place in lacking Christ, His Word and His Church, they begin to argue with you, and think about how they can destroy you. They do not want to hear any challenges to living as they wish , and not as God has commanded. We are in a war for the souls of others and we must take the Word of God which is the Sword of the Spirit and let it do its work to pierce even to the dividing of the soul and the spirit ...Hebrews 4:12
Of course Jesus said this too to His disciples, " In the world ye have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." Jn 16:33 James said it this way, " Count it all joy my brethren when ye fall into manifold temptations; knowing that the proving of your faith worketh patience." 1:2

Know that He is God and whatever we are going through , He is there with us to keep us, protect us and guide us.... " The LORD is near to those who are broken-hearted....O fear the LORD, you that are His Saints; for those who fear Him lack nothing." Ps 34 vs.... "The angel of the LORD camps round about those who fear Him, and delivers them in time of need.." " I sought the LORD, and He heard me; He delivered me out of all my fears."

3. " Great are the troubles of the righteous, but the LORD delivers Him out of them all." Can you recall a time when you had trouble for some reason or thing? If you trusted in God, you know you made it through it because of the LORD and His watchful providence over everthing even though all may have looked dire and bleak, God was there in the midst to bring you through it.

Esther had this experience when Haman tried to have all the Jews destroyed . Mordecai her uncle said , " Think not with thyself that thou shalt escape in the King's house, more than all the Jews." 4:13 " For if thou altogether holdest thy peace at this time, then will relief and deliverance arise to the Jews from another place, but thou and thy father's house will perish: and who knowest whether thou art not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?" 4:14

Are we too here for such a time as this? We must warn and gently nudge others who are sitting in the fire, perhaps even pull them out as Jude said if they do not get out, about what happens to people who fail to listen to the LORD and His Word? The blessings are great for those who fear Him. " He keeps all his bones, so that not one of them is broken." ps 34

But for those who teach what is darkness to be light and light to be darkness, they are wolves in sheep's clothing and shall receive stricter judgment because of their duty to teach the truth, not the lies of wickedness.
Shall it be in our day that we hold to things that are opposite of the truth of the Word of God. God forbid! May we trust in Him as we share with wisdom to those around us who need the light of Christ and the light of His eternal Word from heaven in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments.


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