Advent I in 2018

Advent I Year C
The season is about events that are so dramatic and wonderful (to some) that we cannot but stand in awe of them. It is said that the first two Sundays of Advent are more about the Second Coming of our Lord than the 1st Coming as a babe. At least that is what the lessons are about.

Luke 21:25-33
“And there will be signs in sun and moon and stars, and on the earth distress of
nations in perplexity because of the roaring of the sea and the waves, 26 people
fainting with fear and with foreboding of what is coming on the world. For the
powers of the heavens will be shaken. 27 And then they will see the Son of Man
coming in a cloud with power and great glory. 28 Now when these things begin
to take place, straighten up and raise your heads, because your redemption is
drawing near.”

It is true if you re-read the Gospel. But actually we have small moments when we may feel some of our lives are on the edge. Feeding the cats/ dogs while the mail comes....ding goes the door bell, and then you get an important call in the middle of it. It feels like life is coming apart. Life has its moments . Or a tragedy comes in the form of an accident that is unexpected---the loss of a friend or a relative . This feels as though life is over at least the way things were. Someone is no longer here on earth but has been translated through faith into the higher life with God.

In the Epistle lesson it is couched in terms as ," the news of your faith and love... in all our distress and affliction we have been comforted about you through your and thanksgiving in spiritual relationships... love for one another which the Apostle prays increases through our Lord direction, that He may establish your hearts blameless in holiness the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ with all his saints."

As we light the first candle of Advent we are prayerful and hopeful that all the pieces of our life will come together under the direction of God, His Word, and His people in the Church as well as all we pray for, that one day they too will bow before Him . We know that is the way to life, the way of holiness and love. It is interesting that the world celebrates Christmas and its tradition, but somehow the Church and our Lord are cut out. So we substitute things of this world for the things that are eternal and are of more importance for this life and the life to come.

Somehow it can and should be a moment of light and not darkness. That is what our Advent prayer is---- to cast off the works of darkness which our world is so prone to set as a standard, its loss of faith, its appreciation of what is shallow and hollow in place of what is true, right and good. How churches can enshrine and glorify evil and worldly wisdom is sinful and not worth our worship.

Holiness is not a deep word in many people's lives, but should be---- when we substitute what is good for what is evil , and go along with it, or at least stay around for the denial of the truth. This is not the way of true faith and living for God and His Word, His Church, and holiness. " ...there is an inseparable connection between creed and character....purity of life ( ch 4-" for this is the will of God , even your sanctification...)"- in Erdman

However, we as those who claim to be His people cannot look at the speck in others without seeing the beam in ours. We too need reformation in speaking , in living, and in being silent in a culture that demands to have its way. This is what Advent is for as we prepare for the birth of Christ, our King and Saviour. It is not Christmas yet. There must be silence in confession, in self- examination and love for God and others. It may be helpful to re-read p.316 in our prayer books to make a good beginning.

Putting on the armor of God's light comes from perserverance in God and His Son Jesus Christ ( " For now we live if you are standing fast in the Lord" the Apostle feels for His flock that they may not fall away ) , and listening to good examples, for Timothy was such a one to the people there in Thessalonica. The Apostle is concerned that they do not yield to the " tempter" and " our labor should be in vain." 3:5


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