We end where we started Ruth chapter 4

 We end where we started Ruth 4

   " Hope itself is like a star-not to be seen in the sunshine of prosperity, and only to be discovered in the night of adversity."  Rev. Charles Haddon  Spurgeon

Last week we left off with Ruth 3:18, " Sit still , my daughter, until thou know how the matter will fall"  Naomi tells Ruth to be patient and wait for God to work it out through the actions of Boaz.  " It is not a wise thing to try speeding things up with God. Are you wondering why He doesn't hurry and get the show on the road in your life?  Well, assuming that you are presently doing what you need to be doing, it is highly probable that God isn't ready to move the show.  We believers don't like waiting, but we have to.  Langford .  Naomi had it right, " Sit still , my daughter , until you know how the matter will turn out."

Boaz too had to go with the process. He had to request to redeem Ruth through the elders of the town at the town-gate where all the business was conducted.  The nearest kin comes by . Boaz tells him about the land first & Ruth as well.  But he could not as he was not able to do both financially right now.  So the deal is sealed by the taking off of the shoe, and Boaz redeems the land and marries Ruth.

Knowing the will of God for us too is a process and is not instaneous.  Some of the basic principles are : God does have a will for your life.  " I will ...teach you in the way which you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you." Psalm 32:8

As a Christian our attitude is important ---are we obeying that part of God's will we already know?  are we willing to accept God's will ?  Build upon the rock, not the sand.  Matthew 7 :14

The will of God for the Christian is written in the Bible.  " These things  I have written to you..." I John 5:13

We do not need more than one day at a time.  " But we have the mind of Christ"  2 Corinthians 2:16 Use our spiritually formed reason.

Prayer in conversation with God .  I Thess. 5:17 " Pray without ceasing."

Others can be helpful as they seek God's will for their lives, they can help us find God's will for us.  " Where there is no guidance, the people fall, but in abundance of counselors there is victory."  Proverbs 11:14

Finally in seeking God's will circumstances can point us in the right direction that God uses.  Romans 15:21 " I have often been hindered from coming to you...."  Open Doors?

2. Ruth is a type of the Church.  3 scenes. Harvest field, threshing floor & ultimately in the home of Boaz.  Ruth finds comfort under the wings of the LORD , and in the character of Boaz- strong, wealthy, noble. who is a type of the Church too as he looks on the gentle Ruth with generous favor and tender love toward her.

We see Ruth redeemed by Boaz in chapter 4, married to him.  In acting as redeemer , Boaz uses the right to redeem , has the power to redeem , and lastly has the will to redeem.  

Christ as our Redeemer is our Kinsman, taking flesh really.  He has the right as our true Kinsman, as the Son of God has the power to redeem , and the Gracious willingness to redeem.  

I repeat that a godly heritage is made. Ruth is the great-grandmother of King David.Ruth 4:17

We end where we started Ruth 4

   " Hope itself is like a star-not to be seen in the sunshine of prosperity, and only to be discovered in the night of adversity."  Rev. Charles Haddon  Spurgeon


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