Errorism is terrorism really Jude 8-11

 Jude 8-11    

   Errorism is terrorism for sure as one commentator put it.  But positively Jude speaks to the believers who are preserved & continually preserved in Jesus Christ, and called /loved by God Himself.  We are looking at vs 8-13 in their highlights illustrated by the apostasy of Israel, the rebellion of some of the Angels, the judgment of Sodom and Gomorrah in the Old Covenant and applying this to the "ungodly men" , vs 4, and of course the  unbelief that pervades all of this.  

We left off with the end of vs 7 in our previous message and it was something we briefly touched on, " the vengeance of eternal fire."  The so-called believers, called ungodly,  that actually were apostates, ( that is they had fallen away from real belief in Jesus Christ) were like the angels that fell away--- Jude , the brother of Jesus , tells us.  They were arrogant and prideful as well as those who practiced the unbelief and lust in Sodom.  Jude is telling his readers to make sure they have not fallen away , but as vs 2 says God has given to real believers, mercy, peace and love which be multiplied.  We do not want what happens to the ungodly to be our lot if we continue to disregard the call and mercy of God and ultimately if we continue in unbelief the vengeance of eternal fire. Positively, real believers are " reminded that the triumph of evil is not final.  God's judgment, though it delay , will surely come." Michael Green

In vs 8 Jude calls those dreamers false teachers that reject authority.  They reject the Lordship of Jesus.  Vs 10 says they "corrupt themselves".  What a description of their downfall soon to happen.  They were irreverent toward God and practice unrestrained sin in their ungodly deeds.  They are treating the fact that God graciously accepts sinners as an excuse for flagrant shameless sin.

Have we ever thought this way?  Because we are "forgiven" and on our way to heaven, that we can get away with the practice of sin?  One thing I like about the practice of some parts of Christianity is that they pray on their knees.  On our knees we know God , bless Him, are reverent and humble knowing He is just , wise and all love to us , graciously forgiving us of our past and renewing day by day by the Spirit of God. Humility is the place to start and continue our relationsip with Christ.

2.  They have gone the way of Cain, Balaam, and Korah all examples of ungodliness from the Old Testament. vs 11

Cain was a murderer.  Balaam was a prophet who spoke only for money, and Korah rebelled against God's leaders.

Cain was a forerunner of the false teachers as he defied God and was a cynical materialistic person.

In these 3 pen-pictures we see 3 leading parts of the errorists.  Like Cain, they were devoid of love.  Like Balaam, they were prepared in return for money to teach others that sin did not matter.

Like Korah , they were careless of the ordinances of God, and were insubordinate to church leaders.  Note that each of these 3 OT characters met with ruin.

 ---Yes, in conclusion errorism is terrorism in the spiritual sense.  False teaching produces unholy lives and denies most importantly the only " Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ." vs 4  We should be those who reasonably contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints , vs .3 The word is actually the English agonize epagōnízomai (from /epí, "focused on" and 73 /agṓn, "a contest, competition") – properly, to contend (literally, "struggle upon, appropriately"), i.e. with skill and commitment in opposing whatever is not of faith (God's persuasion).


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