I Corinthians 13. The Sunday before the way of the Cross.

Sunday before Lent-the 40 days before Easter, or the Way of the Cross

Quinquagesima Sunday before Lent

Have you ever felt like a re-do? Bill Murray finally got that chance in the 1993 movie, " Groundhog Day" . He kept waking up to re-live the day until he got it right. He gets the girl and does over all the mistakes of the day . He finds compassion for the homeless and says the right things . It takes several days to keep waking up to the same day , in his case, Ground Hog Day, until he gets it right. Would that we too would have the chance for a re-do, and right all the things we said we should not have, and fix all the mistakes we made that day we regret. FEB 2  Groundhog day which we celebrated actually as the Candlemas or Festival of the purification of the Virgin Mary in the Prayer Book ( Presentation of the Lord in the Temple). 

We too have chances for re-dos in our life.  Who has not experienced the encouragement of someone who did not give up on us?  " Many waters cannot quench love" Song of Solomon 8:7.  It is ok to fall .  The problem is dwelling there.  WE can get up through the love and affirmation of others in our lives.

"What have we made of our younger generation – cowardly little persons without youth, wildness, courage, without joy in attempting anything, without heresy, without originality and individuality?…But we need all that. We need attempts. We need failures upon failures and the tough nature that is frightened by nothing, that holds firm and endures and starts over and over again until it succeeds, until we are through, until we are unconquerable. Whoever does not take upon himself the danger of defeat, of loneliness, of setbacks, will never attain victory.…We want to create from the heart, and then we want, if it must be, to suffer shipwreck and bear defeat until we have the victory and land is sighted.irmation of God and others.  We do not have to continue in the mire of our failures.  "  Gustav Landauer

As we go to Lent on Wednesday we have an opportunity to review just as Bill Murray did in the movie, and change those things we ought to change and fix those things about us through the power of God's Holy Ghost to make us into the image of Christ.

I like what CS Lewis said about our future. " There are far, far better things ahead than we ever left behind." When I put that on my FB page, I had a lot of responses to it. People wish to look forward and be better I am sure. They want to change and not re-live the mistakes of the past. People do want to be encouraged, do they not? We wish to believe what CS Lewis said that there is a better time ahead. How can we play a part in making that come true?

" Love is patient and kind ( crestos -g reek meaning gentle). Love is not envious. Love is not boastful or puffed up. Love does not act unbecomingly. Love does not seek the things of its own. Love is not easily provoked. Love does not keep account of wrongs. Love does not rejoice at unrighteousness. Love however rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things. Love believes all things. Love hopes and endures all things." ( from the Greek translations) the Epistle for today, I Corinthians 13.

1. Love believes all things. Here I like what Leon Morris said, " Points to that quality ,which is always ready to allow for circumstances , and to see the best in others. It is a easy to think the worst, but love retains its faith." We are in process of becoming more and more like Christ as we have our minds renewed through the reading and mediation on the Holy Scriptures, and meditating on Christ and His person. 

I heard this Scripture quoted this week at the Minsters' meeting and it is so helpful: " whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely....think on these things." Philippians 4 See the best in others as you see that in yourself first.

Or as Song of Solomon 8:7  says again, " Many waters cannot quench love."

2. Love bears all things . The word bears means to protect by covering. To not hold things we see against others is the idea. To suffer on their behalf perhaps may be a way to see what is being said here. This is hard , but it is forward looking . How is this possible ? Philippians 2 reminds us , " Have this mind in you which was also in Christ Jesus...who humbled himself, and became obedient unto death , even the death of the cross." We see others in the light of Christ and not necessarily in their words and conduct. We forgive. Love does not keep account of wrongs. Love does not rejoice at unrighteousness.

Love is not easily provoked and that word means sharp edge in the greek and is translated also irritated.

3. Love hopes and endures all things. This is the forward look. The word for endures does not mean " a patient, resigned acquiescence, but an active positive fortitude. " Morris.

Love hopes . Love looks forward. " The thought is not of an unreasoning optimism, which fails to take account of reality. It is rather a refusal to take failure as final."-Morris again.

I remember how the Psalmist said it.   Ps 30 : " 5For his anger endureth but a moment; in his favour is life: weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning."

Lent the time of renewal , the time of lengthening of the days is near. We are looking forward to change, hope, endurance and most of all love. Love is what we wish for now and what we will find perfectly in the presence of God here and forever in His kingdom. " There are, yes , it is true, there are, far, far better things ahead than we ever left behind."

" O GOD of hope, who hast taught us by thy Holy apostle that by hope we are saved, have mercy upon us; that, we steadfastly hoping for that which we see not and patiently waiting for it, may be filled with all joy and peace in believing and may henceforth abound in hope in the power of the Holy Ghost; through Jesus Christ our Lord. " Amen. A Free Church Book of Common Prayer, 1929


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