I John in Blessed Trinity Sunday

 The Epistle of I John. Introduction.

   In the letter of John we enter a world of truth, certainty and the way to eternal life.  The themes are assurance, true knowledge reflected in true Christian holiness of living, confidence and  boldness in believing the truths of the Christian faith. The greek word to know is used over 25 times, and the key verse we can reflect on is I John 5:13, " These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God---in order that you may know that you have eternal life." 

John the Apostle wants us " to know that we are in Him." 2:5 He wants us to "know that we have passed out of death into life." 3:14  ; that we " are of God" 5:19 and that He " is in us." 4:13

John's main purpose is to bring believers to the knowledge that they have eternal life as well as to address those who are " from the world" 4:5 who " went out from us" 2:19 and do not have eternal life.

How can I know I have eternal life?  John gives tests by which we may judge whether we do possess it or not.  One thing we should realize is that any evidence of God's work in us is just that.  It is His work in us by His Spirit.  " And we know ...that He abides in us by the Spirit which He has given us." 3:24

The first is Faith .  This faith is based on the doctrine of the Apostles whereby we can trust that Jesus is the Son of God, and believe on His name. 3:23

5:5 " Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believes that Jesus is the Son of God?"  5:12 " He that has the Son has life."

John is countering a teaching in the church which taught that Jesus had not really come in the flesh. 2:3 " No one that denies the Son has the Father."  This Jesus human and divine eternally of the nature of God is God the Son.  He is not created .  He always existed .  We assert this on this Sunday of the Trinity. I John 1:1 is the place to start .

2.  The second test is the moral/ obedience test.  Are we actually believers who practice righteousness and keep the commandments of God as best we can?  3:9  He who is born of God does not practice sin.

No fruit, no root.  John will apply these test 3 times to us who read his letter in case we miss it.  He repeats as those we were children who lack spiritual understanding.

3.  Lastly, John's third test is the actual application of the doctrinal, faith test issuing in the keeping of the commandments by showing if we are of God or not.  He is love.  All love comes from God, and a loveless person does not know God.  4:7  " Beloved let us love one another: for love is of God, and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God."

Lastly an illustration in conclusion for today in our introduction to I John.  There is a story of John in Ephesus in his old age .  He used to be carried into the congregation in the arms of the disciples, and was unable to say anything except " little children love one another."  At last wearied that he always spoke the same words, they asked, " Master, why do you always say this?"  " Because he replied, it is the Lord's command, and if this is only done it is enough."

As we go on this journey through I John it is good to know and it is better to know and have the assurance that we have eternal life.  I John 5:13 on this Blessed Trinity Sunday.


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