I John 2:1-2 Cleansing and forgiveness lead to a holy life

 Falling at the Feet of Jesus is our Recognition of our Need of Cleansing

I John 2:1-2- We read this together so we may understand what John is saying now. I John 1:9 is helpful that we know that we need confession and God is faithful to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

The best illustration of John's thoughts in the beginning of his letter in ch. 2 may be the woman in the Gospel,  I read in Luke 7:36 in the morning reading on Friday of last week.  She fell at the feet of Jesus and her tears were many at her need of cleansing and forgiveness .  Christians need this as well every day of the week. Sin does break our fellowship with God John tells us.  We are all born into the world as sinners John confirms and no one is untouched by sin.  

The Greek word sin could be translated as not hitting the target.  The Presbyterian/reformed children's catechism gives us many ideas about our original sin , and the need of seeing that we are in danger as we violate God's laws and commandments.  Adam did not keep the covenant of works q. 27, and it says in the answer that he " sinned against God."


I am encouraged that John addresses the people in his letter as " my little children" , and our first point can be that even though we sin we are not out of salvation or Christ.  We are His children by faith---our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ 1:4.

Some of us have arrived not at perfection as we do not have that in this life,  but we do have a road to heaven eternally by faith in His Son.  That is not earned or deserved ---but it is by His grace we are enabled to have faith , and one day we will be with Him forever rejoicing in His presence and in the fulness of joy.  Here we still struggle because of our lack of faith and in the flesh .

So as we have begun in Christ in whatever earthly year of our salvation when we believed and trusted in Him alone for salvation, we can be encouraged John the Apostle calls us His children.  I like that.  I need that encouragement. Do you?

2.   " I am writing these things unto you, that you sin not."  That is our goal John says.  We miss the target because we sin but we should have a goal , and to not sin should be it.

Law the commentator says , " horror, hatred, fear, repudiation of sin pervade the whole Epistle."

There should be a balance in our attitude as we know we sin and we cannot totally avoid it...but that is what confession is for.  We continue to work at being godly and holy , but that is a tough road in the world.

We as we said in point should have a child-like faith in Christ.  " a few years ago a passenger ship made its way toward the harbor at Plymouth, England.   The weather had been good so they were ahead of schedule.  They would arrive at night instead of morning and they had to make unexpected hotel reservations because of that.  The little children on board did not worry for a moment.  They continued to run, laugh and play ----unaffected by altered plans. Why were they so calm?  They had faith in the wisdom and love of their parents."

Remember John's evidences of eternal life ?  2:28-29 Practice righteousness 2.  3:18 duty of love and 3. Confess faith in the eternal Son Jesus 2:23

These three evidences are to be shining in our lives as God Himself too is light.  Ephesians 1:4 says that we were chosen before the foundation of the world that we should be holy and blameless before Him .  Gal 1:4 says He gave Himself for us that He might redeem us out of this present evil age.

Titus 2:14 echoes this too " who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from every lawless deed"

Hebrews 12:14 should wake us up too," Pursue peace with all men, and a holy life, for without that no-one will see the Lord."

Jerry Bridges , The Pursuit of Holiness translates this vs, " Make it your aim not to sin"   He asks this pertinent question, "  Can you imagine a Soldier going into battle with aim of ' not getting hit very much'?  The very suggestion is ridiculous.  His aim is not to get hit at all!  Yet if we have not made a commitment to holiness without exception , we are like a Soldier going into battle with the aim of not getting hit very much."

Jonathan Edwards made resolutions, "  Resolved , never to do anything which I would be afraid to do if it were the last hour of my life."

Zechariah 8:17 says God hates sin. "  Also let none of you devise evil in your heart against another, and do not love perjury; for all these are what I hate declares the Lord."   so everytime we sin we are doing something God hates.

We should look at the attitude of Joseph in Genesis 39:9, " How then could I do this great evil, and sin against God?"  ( despite the advances of Potiphar's wife)

3.  Lastly when we sin , forgiveness and restoration is possible. 

" And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous..."

Advocate is paraclete in greek, called alongside, the defense lawyer

I Jn3:5 " ...in Him there is no sin"

He is the propitiation for our sins---the sacrifice .  1:7 the blood of Jesus Christ.

" Our Advocate does not plead that we are innocent.  ..or adduce extenuating circumstances..He acknowledges our guilt and presents His vicarious work as the ground of our acquittal"  John Stott

Forgiveness and restoration are possible.  Psalm 103:8-14  " As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us"

I conclude with an illustration from Corrie Ten Boom while speaking in Munich, a former prison guard came up to her after the session, " How grateful I am foryour message Fraulein. To think that Jesus has washed my sins away" 

 Corrie" As I took his hand, the most incredible thing happened. From my shoulder along my arm and through my hand a current seemed to pass from me to him, while into my heart a love that almost overwhelmed me"



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