I John 3:4-10 Second Application of the Obedience Test

 I John 3:4-10   Christ Has Appeared!  Good News for Christians who are wishing Encouragement.

   Not only will Christ appear, but He has already come , and it means that we as Christians should live our lives now in the light of that fact.  I would imagine there are certain things we expect of those who profess to be Church members and are now on the way to heaven.  We should expect that they are trying to be holy, practice righteousness and in general live lives that are different from the ordinary folk we encounter that do not attend Church, or envision that the Church has nothing to offer them today.  

  I was talking to one of my neighbors,  who is actually not a neighbor but comes every morning or so to work and re-do the house across from me that he bought, and will sell after he is done with the renewal of it.  He said he was not doing  too well, and then he showed me an x ray picture on his phone of his broken arm. You could clearly see the break.  

If he went to the hospital, you would expect that they would be working to get it better. Instead he was shuffled from place to place in the hospital , and they just gave him a sling.  Shocked!  He was not at all happy, and spoke about going to another hospital at a greater distance to see if they would do something to help him.  

I imagine that many of us feel that way about ourselves from time to time.  We feel we too do not measure up to the holiness God says we should attempt to emulate that God has.  As Christians we have an opportunity to be light, but often times to ourselves and others we can be a disappointment.

After reminding his congregation in vs. 4 that yes indeed we should not practice ( original word) sin or committ sin (authorized version) John says that sin really the essence of the transgression of the law.

But good news 1.  vs 5 says that Jesus was manifested, born of the Virgin Mary and He is here to take away our sins!

I Peter 2:24 says He Himself bore our sins in His body on the Cross, that we might die to sin, and live to righteousness.

In Him there is no sin.  vs 5.  Is there is in present tense.  That is why the Apostle Paul can say in 2 Cor 5:21 who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.

I know this may not be a perfect illustration, but " The final draft of the Emancipation Proclamation was taken to Abraham Lincoln at noon on Jan 1, 1863.  Twice the President picked up his pen to sign it, and twice he laid it down.   Turning to Secretary of State William Seward he said, ' I have been shaking hands since 9 am this morning, and my right arm is almost paralyzed.  If my name ever goes into history , it will be for this act, and my soul is in it.  If my hand trembles when I sign the proclamation, all who examine the document hereafter will say, ' He hesitated.' The President then took up the pen again and slowly but firmly wrote ' Abraham Lincoln.' That historic act endeared Lincoln to the world as the Great Emanicpator. "

Jesus took away our sins by bearing them Himself.

2.The Son of God has appeared for this purpose---that He might destroy the works of the devil!   3:8b

destroy - verb not to destroy absolutely , but to render in operative, deprive of force. Gk. diabolos= slanderer and Hebrew Satan is adversary.

Satan worship is evident is the US.  "Dr. George Barna’s American Worldview Inventory 2020 evaluated the perceptions of God that people have in the U.S. Among the survey’s most surprising findings are that more Americans believe in Satan than believe in God and that more people believe that Jesus was divine and a sinner than believe he is divine and sinless." churchleaders.com

In New Jersey a young man was drowned by a group of his friends at his request, because he believed that a violent end would put him in command of 40 legions of demons.

The one who practices sin is of the devil 3:8 present tense.  John 8:44- murderer from the beginning , father of lies  and the Devil persecutes the Church Rev. 12:13 " And when the dragon saw the he was cast unto the earth, he persecuted the woman which brought forth the man child."

His final defeat is in Revelation 20:10 " And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night forever and ever."

In Christ we can escape from his tyranny.  We have already talked about ways to overcome from I John 2:14 which specifically mentions the wicked one.

3. Theme of I John 3:4-10 is in v. 4

Everyone who practices sin ( pres. tense) also practices ( pres.) lawlessness , and sin is lawlessness.

---at its very nature 

---the ugly reality and seriousness of sin appears as active rebellion against God and His Holy law

Heretics were teaching that matters of morality did not matter, but the first step toward holy living is to recognize the true nature & wickedness of sin.

A formula that is helpful " How to know Right from Wrong"

   a.  Is it helpful---spirtually , physically, and mentally? I Cor 6:12 " All things are lawful unto me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any"

b.  Does it bring me under its power?  

c. Does it hurt others?  I Cor 8:13  " Wherefore if meat make my brother to offend, I will eat no flesh while the world standeth, lest I make my brother to offend."

d.  Does it glorify God? I Cor 10:31 " Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God"

4. The logical conclusion v. 6

If Jesus' eternal nature is sinless, and the purpose of His historical appearing was to remove sin, then " whoever abides in Him does not sin ( present tense)

vs 7 the warning is clear." Little children, let no man deceive you: he that doeth righteousness is righteous, even as He is righteous"

Vs. 9 and 10 sum it all up for us.

His seed is probably the transforming power of the new birth.

vs. 10 In this is shown which group we are in

Lack of righteousness and love proves the lack of a divine birth.  So ends the 2nd application of John's obedience test.  How are we doing?  John does not give us much room to rejoice if we are living a life of continual practicing sin.  

What habits do we need to discard?  We certainly should take stock of where we are again.  Do we remember how we used to love Christ and His Word and His Church?

What caused us to depart?  Say no. Begin there with sin.  And say yes to Jesus and His redeeming love that always calls us back despite our sins.  

Perhaps we never did quite believe---we came to the Church, and saw Christ from a distance.  It is not enough to be on the fence.  We must come on in the gate of Christ.  There is no other way to know God.  Love Him now, and you will never be sorry you made that decision.

Jn 6:47 He who believes has everlasting life.  

Christ Has Appeared!


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