New Year through the eye of Mary, the Shepherds and the Church

 The Holy Child  Luke 2:15-21

   The Child is the reason for the season.  I have seen that  , " Jesus is the reason for the season",  and that sums it up well.  But it has to be unpacked so we can know more as the Shepherds " made known abroad the saying (the words spoken orig.) which was told them concerning the Child." 2:17

1. I note first that Mary " was treasuring (kept) up these things, and pondered them in her heart." 2:19

She pondered and the word is " Origin

from sun and balló


to throw together, hence to discuss, consider, meet with

NASB Translation

confer (1), conversing (1), helped (1), meet (1), met (1), pondering " from

She discussed and treasured these things about the Child. "Treasured is suntereo to keep close, preserve

Usage: I preserve, keep safe, keep in mind, keep close." ( Again

---Can this be our attitude as well to those things of the Angels, heaven, the Babe's birth, the Shepherds and mostly what Luke says, " For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord." 2:11

We should ponder and treasure the words of Scripture to form us into better and more adequate Christians . Our faith needs refreshing and renewing .  What a better way to start the new Year!

---How to do that?  Read the Scriptures, reflect and see how God's Word changes us , the only standard for Doctrine, and Inspired of God thru the Holy Spirit.  Listen to the wisdom of the Elders, the writings of the reformers, and the witness of the Reformed Church with Biblical standards.  

2.  Jesus was named at His Circumcision v. 21 according to the Levitical writings which was to be done on the 8th day.  But another part of that vs says Jesus was named " of the angel before He was conceived in the womb."

WE as God's adopted children Galatians 4 have a new name at our reception as a child of God, an heir now.  He chose us, as in adoption.  WE have a new start.

The New Year is a new start.  Isaiah 62:2"

The nations will see your righteousness,

And all kings your glory;

And you will be called by a new name

Which the mouth of the Lord will designate."

"I like a list of resolutions prepared by the Rev. Walter Schoedel. He

calls them ‘7-UPS for the New Year.’ No, this has nothing to do with the

soft drink. These 7-UPS fall under the heading of attitudes and actions.

The first is WAKE UP–Begin the day with the Lord. It is His day. Rejoice

in it.

The second is DRESS-UP–Put on a smile. It improves your looks. It says

something about your attitude.

The third is SHUT-UP–Watch your tongue. Don’t gossip. Say nice things.

Learn to listen.

The fourth is STAND-UP–Take a stand for what you believe. Resist evil. Do


Five, LOOK-UP–Open your eyes to the Lord. After all, He is your only Savior.

Six, REACH-UP–Spend time in prayer with your adorations, confessions,

thanksgivings and supplications to the Lord.

And finally, LIFT-UP–Be available to help those in need–serving,

supporting, and sharing.

If you’re going to make New Year’s resolutions this year, let me suggest

Rev. Schoedel’s list.

Why do we bother to make New Year’s resolutions in the first place? Why do

we feel this need each January 1 to set new goals? Maybe it is because

resolutions help us to identify our priorities. They answer the Question:

how do I want to invest my time, energy, money, and talents in this New

Year? The New Year reminds us that time is passing. It is up to each of us

to maximize the potential of every moment."

3.  The Shepherds returned glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen, as it was told unto them v. 20

What a glorious thought .  We have seen and heard good things that have been told to us from the Wisdom of others , ( many counselors in Proverbs says there is safety), the Scriptures and the Church.

So we , as well as Mary treasure and ponder not knowing what God is doing all the time, but trusting His providence and direction as we acknowledge Him, He will direct our paths.

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.


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