Easter Continues! Luke 24

 Easter Continues ! Luke 24:13-35 " Jesus Walks Along Beside us in our Journey"

Many people today are struggling with how life has any purpose or plan. It is easy to look at what is going on in the world and wonder this. Why do some live to ripe old age while others die in their prime? Does this life have any purpose besides what I can find on my own? Where is truth? Does God speak today? How does He do that? Why bother trying to find out what He is saying? Is there any rhyme or reason to the events of my life? Are we finding any of these questions in our lives? Suicide rates among young people are high. In fact many of the stresses in war contribute to it. The services are struggling with how to reduce suicides among their own members. The bad economy also contributes to a higher suicide rate.

Why do people get depressed? I imagine that a wish unfulfilled is part of that issue. Some have unrealistic expectations. Two of the disciples of Jesus were on the Resurrection day traveling with each other and talking of what had happened. They had an expectation of all that Jesus had begun . They were on a road trip to Emmaus , about seven miles from Jerusalem (24:13), “ talking with each other about all these things that had happened.” (24:14) They had “ hoped that he (Jesus) was the one to redeem Israel .” (24:21) In the middle of their journey Jesus “ himself drew near and went with them.” 24:15

Have we ever felt that we are alone? I am sure we have. We may feel in some way abandoned or cast out by our friends or family. This surely leads to a sad feeling. Jesus does not leave us in this our lonely journey but He journeys with us. Wherever we are, there God is. He does not leave us . These two disciples were unable to see that . “ But their eyes were kept from recognizing Him.” 24:16 We can often feel that we are unsure about which way to go in our lives and whether God is directing us. We must open our eyes to see Him as He does travel with us . Proverbs so aptly reminds us, “ In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.” (3:6) God leads us thru His Word, His Spirit and His Church ( the assembled ones). We surely must take into account circumstances as well as what others are saying to us on our journey’s turns and twists. Can we trust that this open door is a door we must go thru? What is God saying to us thru His people and His Word? Impatience is a failure we all experience as we make decisions in our lives. Lack of trust in the providence and concern of God despite what we see is another. This is where we must have faith. As Hebrews tells us so directly, “ Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” (11:1) Knowing that Jesus journeys with us in our disappointments, our sadness, our tragedies and difficulties makes life worth living. “ What is the chief end of man? Man’s chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy Him forever.” Shorter Catechism, question 1

Secondly , we see a bit of a rebuke by Jesus in v. 25, “ O foolish ones, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken!” As the song goes , we are looking for love in the wrong places. Jesus takes them thru the Old Testament showing that it was telling them of the very things that had taken place. Some Christians have replaced Scripture readings with dance, drama, or various other kinds of excitement. ….etc… I am sure these things have a place in our world . Jesus is telling the two disciples and us that if they had centered in on the Scriptures their faith would have a strong foundation. “ Thy Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” Psalm 119:105 “ I understand more than the aged , for I keep your precepts.” 119:100 We need to look at this seriously. Does the Word have a place in our lives? Or are just getting the ABC meat of the Bible? ( already been chewed) I Peter tells us “ as newborn infants, long for the pure spiritual milk ” 2:2 . This is the “ imperishable seed…the living and abiding word of God, for all flesh is grass and all its glory like the flower of grass. The grass withers, and the flower falls, but the Word of the Lord remains forever.” 1:24 While flying home the lady in front of me in the jet was studying the prophet Isaiah. I did not get a chance to ask her about it, but it was good to see. This quote from I Peter is taken from Isaiah 40:6,8.

Lastly, Jesus accepts their offer of hospitality , “ stay with us, for it is toward evening and the day is now far spent. So he went in to stay with them.” Luke 24: 29 In this time with them while at table with them, “ he took the bread and blessed and broke it and gave it to them.” 24:30 What does this sound like? It sounds like Holy Communion to me. Certainly we can hear echoes of it in this verse. When we take time to sit and share a meal with those who love we find companionship, enlightenment and love. These disciples found that because after Jesus broke and blessed the bread we read, “ and their eyes were opened, and they recognized him.” 24:31 The Lord’s Supper is a place where we find Jesus among His people. He comes to us thru the Word but He also comes to us in the Sacrament in a way we will never fully understand .

Today we are reminded of the Lord’s presence with us in our lives, wherever we are , and wherever we are headed. He journeys with us, and that is our hope. He also comes to us in Word and Sacrament in the church, the assembled people that claim His Word in their lives. May we all be encouraged in this Easter season to see the living Lord work in our lives , and direct us how to glorify Him in all that we do and say.


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