Philippians 2. " Having the Mind of Christ"

 Philippians 2.  The Mind of Christ

  Although the Philippian Church was commended for their financial giving and support to Paul,  4:10, 14 , there were problems with disunity.  Interesting and encouraging as we think we are alone in these things.  We are not. We see it in our reading today 2:2-4, and the Apostle appeals to them to see the mind of Christ working through them to work around their divisions and quarrels.

    After mediating on this reading , it seems the bottom line question is " How do we get the mind of Christ ( v. 5)"?  Some have called it, " The Journey to Humility".

    It is a " voluntary submission to humility" as one commentator called it. 

1.  It is in the imperative, verb command form " Let this mind be in you" ( " which also was in Christ Jesus")

This word is described here in Bible hub, phrḗn, "the midriff or diaphragm; the parts around the heart," J. Thayer) – properly, regulate (moderate) from within, as inner-perspective (insight) shows itself in corresponding, outward behavior.  (phronéō) essentially equates to personal opinion fleshing itself out in action (see J. Thayer). This idea is difficult to translate into English because it combines the visceral and cognitive aspects of thinking."

So as you believe in Him, He enables and allows you His mind to do His work in the fellowship of like believers.  " The word duty is objected to as inconsistent with the liberty of forgiveness and sonship. Foolish and idle cavil! What is duty? It is the thing which is due by me to God, that line of conduct which I owe to God. And do these objectors mean to say that, because God has redeemed us from the curse of the Law, therefore we owe Him nothing, we have no duty now to Him? Has not redemption rather made us doubly debtors? We owe Him more than ever.

 ~ Horatius Bonar, God's Way of Holiness, 72-73"

An Amish man was once asked by a tourist if he was a Christian? His reply was, " You'll have to ask my neighbor."

2.  The Supreme Example of humility in the picture of our Lord

----He became a servant , by emptying Himself.  He did not cease to be Divine.

Service through Sacrifice.  One day we shall all bow the knee , a quote from Isaiah 45:23, Romans 14:11

Some think this is a hymn that was sung in the early Church......


Bible Study Questions

1. How does Philippians 2:1-4 challenge modern notions of success and individualism?  Let us look at the things of others as well as our own .

2. In what ways can you emulate Christ's humility in your daily life?

Be the example in humble love to others, as a listener as well as a speaker.

3. How does Paul describe the link between unity and humility in this chapter?

4. How does Jesus' example in Philippians 2:5-11 redefine power and leadership?  Leaders serve.  They do not dictate, but are examples as was Christ. the flock they serve.

5. What does it mean to "work out your salvation with fear and trembling"? How can this be applied in a modern context?

Too often we leave out the working out of our salvation, and just say I once believed and that is it.  Wrong!

6. How does Paul encourage us to shine as lights in the world?

7. In what ways can you serve others selflessly in your current situation, following the examples of Timothy and Epaphroditus?

Giving through our presence, our lives and our prayers.

8. How can the example of Jesus help you in dealing with conflicts in your personal or professional relationships?

Look to see if I am at fault first....

9. What are some practical ways to value others above yourself in your community or workplace?

10. What attributes of Timothy and Epaphroditus inspire you the most? Why?

11. How does the passage challenge our cultural norms about status and power?

12. How can we apply the humility of Christ when dealing with differences within the Church community?  Listen, don't always think you are right...have empathy.

13. How does the example of Christ's humility inform your understanding of God's character?  Mind of Christ is the key

14. What steps can you take to develop an attitude of servanthood like Timothy and Epaphroditus?

15. How does this chapter encourage you to persevere during trials and challenges?  The Apostle wrote this while in prison, but encourged the Church at Phillippi.

16. How can we maintain unity and humility in a society that often values division and self-promotion?  Remember the bottom of the ladder is really the top.

17. What role does humility play in your understanding of the Christian faith? It is bottom line up front.

18. How does the concept of "working out your salvation" influence your daily decisions and actions?----We are working for salvation, but if we have salvation, we show it by our words, actions and lives in general.

19. How can you be a light in your specific context, like Paul encouraged the Philippians to be?  When others are going through struggles, be there and listen, and offer help.

20. How do the examples provided in this chapter shape your understanding of Christian service and sacrifice?


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