God Delivers His People Esther 6-10.

 Esther ch. 6-10 "The Deliverance of the People of God"

   This is where the rubber meets the road .  God delivers the people of God.  This does not happen automatically, and in that we discover the true doctrine of the Providence of God.  He works through means, and His people.  We are not puppets.  He values our choices as His people and we have them.  We can choose to stand by and say, " Do it God", but He does not work that way, does He?  ( sidenote- I see much confusion among people about this.  They try and put themselves in a place where they try and understand God's ways, but as Isaiah says " My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways, my ways declares the LORD. " Is. 55)

1. The King cannot sleep. Chapter 6.  Here begins the rescue of the Jews from Haman and those who do His people harm. Here again I review the Heidelberg Confession of faith on God's providential direction of our lives.  Q" What does it benefit us to know

that God has created all things

and still upholds them by his providence?


We can be patient in adversity, 

thankful in prosperity, 

and with a view to the future

we can have a firm confidence

in our faithful God and Father

that no creature shall separate us

from his love; for all creatures are so completely in his hand

that without his will

they cannot so much as move"  

We think that the little things do not matter, but they do, and God works His will through them.

In his sleeplessness he discovers he did not honor Mordecai after the two plotters tried to harm the King.  In a stunning reversal Haman tells the king to honor the man who the king wants to honor with royal robes. Thinking he was talking about Haman himself he finds he is not, and Mordecai the Jew is rewarded.

Application- What things have we done and is there reward in them?  Yes, for God sees .

2. Chapter 7-8 . Queen Esther has her banquet, and asks the King to save the Jews,her people.  Haman is hung on the gallows he made for Mordecai. Not only that many people "declared themselves Jews, for the fear of the  Jews had fallen on them." 8:17

This should be happening today as well in our places of worship as people see God delivering His people.  We spoke of I Peter 3 earlier and how our witness can be influential.  

"Likewise wives, be subject to your own husbands, so that even if some do not obey the word, they may be won without a word by the conduct of their wives, when they see your respectful and pure conduct...." ESV

Christ is our example I Peter 2. "  For this is a gracious thing , when mindful of God, one endures sorrows while suffering unjustly....Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, so that you might follow His steps.  He committed no sin...when He was reviled, He did not revile in return, when He suffered, He did not threaten, but continued entrusting Himself to Him who judges justly."

Application: Our behavior should reflect our Saviour, and it does matter.  We have influence through our lives.  Our actions do show witness. Walk the walk as we talk the talk.

3.  Because of Esther's faithfulness the Jews destroy their enemies. Ch 9-10

Purim, the festival of lots is celebrated. God shows Himself faithful to His people who trust in His Divine providence despite what the wicked and evil doers practice around us.

Matthew Henry said, " Mordecai was truly great, and his greatness gave him opportunities of doing the more good. He did not disown his people the Jews, and no doubt kept to the true religion. He did not seek his own wealth, but the welfare of his people. Few have it in their power to do so much good as Mordecai; but all have it in their power to do hurt, and who has it not in his power to do some good? We are not required to do what is not in our power, or is unsuited to our station; but all are bound to live under the influence of the tempers displayed in the saints, whose examples are recorded in the Bible. If we live by the faith of Christ, we shall be active according to the ability and opportunities he gives us, in promoting his glory and the best interests of men. If our faith be genuine, it will work by love. Wait in faith and prayer, and the event will be safe and glorious; our salvation is sure, through our Lord Jesus Christ."

 Application- In what way can we be faithful despite the problems?  We can be depressed about things, but if we trust in God's providence, He will work it out.  Here Romans 8:28 works " And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to His purpose."


This is at the heart of our Christian faith. Without faith we cannot please Him That means believing without seeing the results right away.  In God's time all will be made plain. " as the days on which the Jews got relief from their enemies, and as the month that had been turned for them from sorrow into gladness and from mourning into a holiday; that they should make them days of feasting and gladness, for sending gifts of food to one another and gifts to the poor." Esther 9:19

" In fact, this focus on Mordecai and Esther’s hope brings us all the way back to the curious feature of this book, that God is never mentioned. When God’s people are in exile, unable to obey the Torah perfectly, and when God seems absent, does this mean God is done with Israel? Has he abandoned his promises?

The book of Esther says no.

The story invites us to see that God can and does work in the mess and moral ambiguity of human history"  bibleproject.com


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