Fun, not FEAR!

Here are some good thoughts on not having a fearing life from a good book:

" ...we do have plenty of fears...Some of the most troublesome are the wide-awake fears that cling to us even in broad daylight. THEY MAKE US RETREAT FROM LIFE INSTEAD OF LIVING LIFE TO ITS FULLEST."

Fear comes from within. " This is the realm of our most private self, known only to us and to God. "

" All our efforts to overcome our fears ...will fail unless we experience healing in the depth of our souls. It is there in the secret place of our spirit that we need to receive profound love, the only lasting antidote to fear. AND ONLY GOD CAN LOVE US MUCH AS WE NEED TO BE LOVED. Not just once, but daily, hour by hour, moment by moment."

Scriptures -Look up Deuteronomy 31:6,8; Hebrews 13:5

" ...He has chosen and called us to live in an intimate relationship with Him. He is initiator of that relationship, constantly seeking us, pursuing us with relentless love..."


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