Increase Our Faith!

Luke 17:5-10 “ Lord, Increase Our Faith”

In David Mc Cullough’s book, 1776 , we are reminded of George Washington’s dramatic battles for our Independence . He had never led an Army before in battle. The Continental Army experiences defeat after defeat with a long retreat across New Jersey . Washington launches a night attack during Christmas that changes history. He went across the Delaware River and surprised the British capturing prisoners, cannon, horses and arms. John Hancock said that the victory at Trenton was all the more “ extraordinary” given that it had been achieved by men ‘ broken by fatigue and ill-fortune.’

So the apostles say to Jesus, “ Increase our faith” upon hearing of the difficulty of forgiveness and the temptations that will daily assault their souls. Jesus’ reply to them is all the more remarkable for what it says in Luke 17 :6. He tells them that if their faith was like the mustard seed they would be able to uproot the mulberry tree ( a tree that has 600 feet of roots).

Today we are to look at our faith and what it is . It is not quantity of faith Jesus tells them they must have, but quality. “ I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13 In Italy there is a remarkable tomb. An enormous block of granite was brought and placed by the man buried underneath. Before he died he arranged that this granite should be laid over his tomb. He do so saying if there ever was a resurrection it might be certain he should never rise! This granite weighed two tons but was split in two. Between the hour of his grave and the placing of the block over his grave, a bird flying across carrying an acorn, happened to drop the acorn right there. They put the granite slab in place, and if you see it now, that slab of granite weighing tons is split clean through the middle and an oak tree from the acorn is there growing up straight through it! The living power in the acorn has split the granite.

A living faith has the power to accomplish great things because God works in us as we work out our own salvation ( Philippians 2:12-13) to do His will and complete the mission He has given us to do. Giving up is not an option. Because we have the power of our Lord behind us our efforts will be blessed if we lift the shovel and do His bidding. It would be easy to lay down and say ,” Lord, you do it” . Instead Jesus tells the apostles that in themselves because of their faith in Him if it is real and true, He will work out His plan and purposes. We are His workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:10 My old theology professor used to say that God makes ducks but He does not quack. So we must take up the plow, the harness and the saddle and get on the horse expecting that God will bless our small efforts no matter how small they may appear .

There is a man in England who lived in the 1700’s who saw a great evil around him---the evil of slavery, and William Wilberforce who introduced his anti-slavery motion in the House of Commons in 1788 . The motion was defeated. Wilberforce brought it up again every year for eighteen years, until the slave trade was finally abolished on 25 March 1806. He continued the campaign against slavery itself, and the bill for the abolition of all slavery in British territories passed its crucial vote just four days before his death on 29 July 1833. A year later, on 31 July 1834, 800,000 slaves, chiefly in the British West Indies, were set free. This was a life-long battle yet he though tossed about as a ship in a storm never gave up his quest for what was right, true, honorable and commendable. Philippians 4:8

We are tested, tempted, tried and tossed about just as Washington, Wilberforce and others in the struggle for what is godly and true. “ Lord, Increase our Faith” Instead we should be taking the faith we already have to accomplish His will, and do what He requires. “ He has told you, O man what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” Micah 6:8 Life’s daily irritations and struggles force us and squeeze us into almost nothing. “ Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” Romans 12:3

“ Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think according to the power that worketh in us; unto him be glory in the Church by Christ Jesus, throughout all ages, world without end. Amen. ( Ephesians 3:20


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