
Zacchaeus Luke 19:1-10

“ The Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.”
(Zacchaeus) , “ …he had employed methods which had destroyed his honesty. He had no vital interest in righteousness, but a great interest in revenue. He was lost , of no God, of no value to man, contributing nothing .” The Great Physician , Morgan. Today there is need for a new Reformation and grasp of what it means to be in God’s kingdom. To see this we can see what is true about Zacchaeus. I am sure there are many people today that are lost in the sense of what they are doing for God and what they are doing for others. Just like Zacchaeus they are lost. We need as well to be challenged in this area of what our commitment to Christ actually means to ourselves and others. It is not a vague repetition of words at our reception into the Church or by our parents at our baptism when they hope one day we will ratify with a yes that baptismal covenant. Are we lost? To be lost is to be headed for destruction. This is the origin of the original word . When I see in our culture displays of support for people who advocate a position of “this behavior is ok , and it is ok with God”, then I think that perhaps we have lost perspective. This is true in the churches about us as well. Oh well, so and so, does such and such and it is ok. It is commonly accepted. Brethren we must see what it means to believe, and to live out that belief in our own lives before we can share and witness with others.

Martin Luther had such an experience of faith in his life . October 31, 1517 Luther nailed 95 theses to the door of Wittenburg Church setting out what he believed the church at the time was teaching and a question and response to it. ST Peter’s Cathedral was being rebuilt with the sale of indulgences. Tetzel , a monk from Leipzig said, “ the moment the money tinkles in my box, that moment the soul springs up out of purgatory.” Purgatory was a place where the redeemed souls ,believers had to undergo cleansing in order to be pure enough for heaven. For questioning these things Luther was excommunicated by the Pope of the Roman Church on 15 June 1520. “ Unless I am convinced by testimonies of the Scriptures or by clear arguments that I am in error---for popes and councils have often erred and contradicted themselves---I cannot withdraw, for I am subject to the Scriptures I have quoted; my conscience is captive to the Word of God. It is unsafe and dangerous to do anything against one’s conscience. Here I stand; I cannot do otherwise. So help me God.”

Upon being received by Jesus , Zacchaeus “ hurried and came down (from the sycamore tree)”, for he was now going to have a guest at his house. I wonder what they talked about inside. Did Jesus talk to him about the possibilities of the kingdom and the love of God for him? Zacchaeus had to repent and believe. The two things were linked together. If one truly believes, there will be a repentance, a change and decision to follow God’s ways and not the ways of the world. Many people hear the Word. They receive it with joy (Luke 8:13), but “ believe for a while, and in time of testing fall away.” These are the seed on the rock. Zacchaeus showed he truly believed : “ Behold , Lord, the half of my goods I give to the poor. And if I have defrauded anyone of anything, I restore it fourfold.” (19:8)

What would Luther say to our churches today? He sought forgiveness from his sins by obedience to the rules of the monastic order. From that he got no lasting and eternal sense of forgiveness. Luther would call us back to what the Scriptures say about sin and the soul. If we think we are ok outside of the righteousness that Christ provides, then we have no need for a Saviour. We are lost. Today people in the culture and the church reject the foundational truths of what sin is. So there is no understanding of what God provides in the person of Jesus. Luther was a professor of theology at the University of Wittenburg. He said “ At Rome I wished to liberate my grandfather from purgatory, and went up the staircase of Pilate, praying a pater noster (our father) on each step ; for I was convinced the he who prayed thus could redeem his soul. But when I came to the top step, the thought kept coming to me, ‘ Who knows whether this is true?’”

Jesus knew what had happened to Zacchaeus, “ Today salvation has come to this house, since he also is a son of Abraham.” 19:9 Salvation can come to us as well if we rely on the righteousness of Christ alone apart from anything else. But as someone has said, Faith is not alone. True faith is shown by its actions. Our actions speak volumes about what we are truly trusting in for eternal life. Do you and I believe in the righteousness of Christ alone that can forgive our sins? Trust in Him alone for without Christ we are literally unsaved and headed for eternity without Him. That is what it means to be lost. Lost now, and lost forever. Saved now and saved forever. As Luther discovered, “ the just shall live by faith.” Romans 4:5 The righteousness of Christ is only ours if we believe and repent.


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