Wake up call about true religion James

“The Christian Life Gives Us Christian Living”  James 1:17-27


    Somehow there is a lot of confusion about the Christian life. Some think that going to church is being a Christian and that is all that is needed. That is certainly important to go to church and join with fellow Christians and make up what we call the body of Christ here on earth. We know that our Christian lives  were begun by God Himself. “ Having willed He begat us by the word of truth for us to be first fruits of his creatures.” 1:18 This is important for us to ever remember.  We did not create our Christian lives.  We should be humbled because it is God who did that.


     James writes his letter to the scattered believers who were living in a world that was not so friendly to them.  They were experiencing “trials”  1:2  (literally surrounded by trials.  It is the same word used in the Lord’s Prayer, “ and lead us not into temptation.”

Somehow there are those of us who have forgotten that our Christian life must have fruit in it.  It must show itself in the world , not just the Church.


     What is James talking about? “ Be ye doers of the word, and not only hearers.” 1:22  The language is “ Make sure that you are doers of the word”  The hearers was used of those who were regular in “ listening to lectures, but who never became real disciples.” James, by Tasker.  I suppose we could say we are talking about holiness.  I remember the verse in Hebrews that says it pointedly: “ Pursue peace with all, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord.”


       In our church we are fortunate to have a clear understanding of the teaching of the Scriptures as expressed in the Westminster Catechism.  It has certainly helped me in my understanding.  Q. 35 Shorter Catechism. “ What is Sanctification? A.  It is the work of God’s free grace, whereby we are renewed in the whole man after the image of God, and are enabled more and more to die unto sin and live unto righteousness.”  “ Reformation and sanctification  differ, says, Dr. Hodge, as clean clothes differ from a clean heart..”  The Shorter Catechism , Alexander Whyte.  We have a responsibility to act out of our new hearts to show in our lives the light given to us in Christ.


        We do not want to be like the person James talks about who looks in the mirror, sees what he looks like, and forgets.  Do not forget James says!  Look into the perfect law of liberty and know it is there for our good and well-being.  1:25  James lists things that are important.  He mentions to bridle the tongue.  If we do not do this our religion is vain, James says.  It is enough to profess certain things and then go away and do other things that are not pure. 


        This is the heart of our faith.  “ Religion pure and undefiled before God ….v. 27”  We would think that would be doctrine , big churches, happy people, fancy pews, you can add to the list. Instead James says it is not enough to give money and not get personally involved.  Pure religion is “ to visit “ as God did in the person of Jesus.  He did not do it by proxy.  He sent His only Son in the person of the eternal divine Son of God to be born of a virgin and be tempted in all points as we are, yet without sin.  Visit who ?

     Our religion is not to be in just words but in deeds of mercy and forgiveness.  “ Visit orphans and widows in their tribulation, oneself unspotted from the world.” 1:27 Again, we are not about daily holiness in living the Christian life.  Donald Maclean, of the Free Church of Scotland said it this way:” We are not ….to wonder at God’s command: ‘ Be ye holy for I am holy’.  Heaven is a place of absolute holiness.  In God’s presence there is fullness of joy and at his right hand there are pleasures for evermore.  All those who by grace are privileged to be admitted into that presence must also be perfectly holy.” “ Banner of Truth Magazine” November 1997.  Of course we know that in this life this is not possible but we must work at it.


    In this place we have chosen to gather as His visible Church, (the body of Christ).  We are His hands and His voice to those who struggle whatever their race, religion or creed.  We are gathered to ask God to hear, share and practice daily His wisdom from the Scriptures as His ministers to do His will in this community and its surrounding communities.  What brethren are the needs?  I would say we should look first to ourselves and our spiritual holiness, our pure religion.  I like what Julian of Norwich prayed for (1343-1413), “ I conceived a great desire to receive three wounds in my life.  They were the wounds of a true contrition; the wound of loving compassion ; and the wound of longing with my will for God.”  in Devotional Classics by Foster.


    Then James wants us to look at our lives.  What are we doing? Lastly, what is the church here doing?  Who should we talk to about what we think should be done?  I would start with the Deacons, and the Elders.  They are your representatives .  The people cannot say , “ They did not do it.”  The people have to express their concerns and their heart felt desires about how we can best minister to others.  Then we in the Presbyterian church, take it up. We take it up with the officers and God.


   “ Be ye doers of the Word, and not hearers only.”




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