What the World Needs Now Is?

A Wise & Understanding Heart”----or “ What the World Needs Now is?...” I Kings 3

There was a song written a long time ago that asked, “ What the World Needs Now Is..?” I think the answer was something like this:” What the world needs now is love, sweet love

It's the only thing that there's just too little of..".

It certainly is something we need more of. I do not think we would disagree with that. But is that all? What would you and I answer to that question? Peace perhaps? More wealth so it can be spread around so to speak? We would not celebrate poverty necessarily. Wealth and money can be helpful , and certainly is something we need more of. I do not think we would disagree with that. But is that all? What would you and I answer to that question? Peace perhaps? More wealth so it can be spread around so to speak? We would not celebrate poverty those of us who know what that is. My Dad used to say that during the Depression on the farm in Missouri they had a lot of potatoes in many ways. Potatoes for breakfast, lunch and dinner and fixed in soup and you name it , “ Potatoes!”

In the church we could ask, “ What do we need more of?” More meetings? Perhaps. More energy? Perhaps? More people ? Perhaps? A quiet place where people can come and pray perhaps in a group or alone? Do we need more activities? Perhaps. Seriously, “ What the world / or church needs now is ?....” Our lives are not that long really. What do we need? Some have decided that perhaps church and community are not needed at all. They have decided to separate and do it alone. Are they right? What the world needs now is to just leave me alone may be that rallying cry!

What does God think ?This should be our question. Now Solomon was not a perfect person. He took a wife from Pharaoah’s daughter, 3:1 , and worshipped in the “ high places.” We are told that he “ loved the LORD” however. 3:3

When Solomon spoke with God in a “dream by night” 3:5, God asked him “ Ask what shall I give thee.” What a question. This is the question we are asked. What if God came to us and asked us, “ Ask, what shall I give thee.” What would we say? What would you say?

Give me more money . Then I could do whatever I wanted and people would respect me for all I have and can do! Or, LORD, I wish to have a very long life . Or, let me have success in all that I do. God said it this way ,” (you) have not asked for the life of thine enemies.” 3:7

Instead Solomon asked for “ an understanding heart to judge thy people, that I may discern between good and bad: for who is able to judge this they so great a people?” So God granted His request. And He was very happy that Solomon did not ask for all those other things. “ Lo, I have give thee a wise and an understanding heart” 3:12

Who would here ask for such a thing? If God came to you in a dream and Who would here ask for such a thing? If God came to you in a dream and you had the opportunity to tell Him what it was you wanted, would that be what you and I ask for?

Have you know such people who understand? They are not just loving but are wise in their understanding in the things really matter. Just to be near them is a joy for they are people who listen. They are people who listen first to God and then to others.

We are all really looking for that. To be understood is so crucial. Then I could feel loved and in that place I would feel I could grow in God’s love and in His ways.

So what the world needs now is love. ..Of course. But it needs something far more deeper and lasting. The world needs God’s love and wisdom. The two go together. Love with wisdom is a great combination. Love without direction and godly wisdom is just directionless . In our study of I John last year we heard something similar to that. “ For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments.” I Jn 5:3

We hear this in other scriptures. Daniel 12:3 reads, “ and they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament.” Ps 34:9

Fear the LORD, you that are his saints, *

for those who fear him lack nothing.

Be careful then how you live, not as unwise people but as wise, making the most of the time Eph 5:15

Of Course Jesus said it directly. He talked about the house that fell and the house that stood. “ Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock. And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house, and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock.” Matthew 7:25


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