Account of demons and how this shows a picture of our salvation

Luke 8:26-39----“ An Account About Demons-the Basics of Salvation Shown”


“I am not what I ought to be; I am not what I would like to be; I am not what I hope to be. But I am not what I once was, and by the grace of God, I am what I am.” -- The Rev'd John Newton


Jesus steps ashore and a “demon-possessed “ man from the town meets him.   This is a picture of our redemption and salvation.  Jesus meets us in our condition of sin and despair.  “ For a long time this man had not worn clothes or lived in a house, but lived in the tombs”  These were caves that were places of burial.  It is so true that He calls us.  We do not call ourselves to eternal life.  We are not able to do that.  This is called Total depravity.    Not only that but this man was possessed of demons for a long time.  “ which had devils long time” KJV 


How utterly helpless he was.  The demons were many for their name was “legion”  In the roman army legion was a whole regiment, about 6000.  Did he have some bad experience with the romans ?  Whatever it was we are called upon to believe that demons were part of his life and situation.  We said last week that people are rescued by Jesus in different situations.  Each of us can testify to this.  Some come from a deeper place of despair . Whatever place we came from we can say that it is Jesus who called us out of our previous life of death & lack of spiritual purpose to serve Him now.  This poor man could not even be restrained for “he was driven of the devil into the wilderness”.


Jesus commands “ the unclean spirit to come out of the man”   I note an attitude of defiance and arrogance by the spirit, “ What have I to do with thee, Jesus, thou  Son of God most high?”  Note on the back of today’s bulletin we quote the Westminster Confession which talks about salvation being something “ freely justifies”   “ effectually calls”   . Righteousness is not infused to us  but imputed , that is given. We are given Christ’s righteousness.  “ We receive and rest on His and His righteousness by faith”  Jesus calls and His call is effectual.  The demons know that.  We know that.  Other theologies which try and reward man for his effort or good works are just that….theologies, not of Scripture though.  We would do well to note this point and remember it for this is the confession of the church from the pure milk of God’s Holy Word. 


What was the result in this man’s life?  “…(they) found the man , out of whom the devils were departed, sitting at the feet of Jesus, clothed, and in his right mind”   Salvation had come and change had come.  The man had regained his personhood and as we said last week about the woman who was a sinner “ ….the sinner could find forgiveness and freedom from pollution in order to the fulfilment of the highest ideal of life.” (Morgan- The Great Physician)   This was conversion.    This is conversion.  “ Before conversion, the man made light of Christ, minded his farm, friends, merchandise, more than Christ; now, Christ is to him as his necessary food, his daily bread, the life of his heart, the staff of his life.  His great desire is, that Christ may be magnified in him.”  A Sure Guide to Heaven by Joseph Alleine.


The demons feared Jesus.  The people in the town also feared Jesus.   But they were apparently not very happy with Jesus.  They feared Him but asked Him to leave their town.  They seemed to like the pigs more than the man.  Note Jesus gave the demons permission to enter the pigs.  He did not order it.  They did not want to go into the “ deep” or “ abyss”.  “ Wicked demons are cruel, mischievous, hurtful and treacherous to those who are in their power.” Cyril of Alexandria.


The man though “begged “ to go along with Jesus.  Jesus tells him to go home and to tell “ how much God has done for you.”  He did that in all of his city and “ published how great things Jesus had done unto him.”  The application is clear to us.  We too cannot keep quiet when we have received the healing and salvation of Jesus for our souls.  Ambrose said it this way, “  Neither professors of philosophy nor leaders of the synagogue can offer any cure when people perish.  Christ alone takes away the sins of the  people.”

Like John Newton we should say, “  “I am not what I ought to be; I am not what I would like to be; I am not what I hope to be. But I am not what I once was, and by the grace of God, I am what I am.”





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