Three Would Be Followers

“ Three-Would Be Followers”   Luke 9:57 and also Matthew 8


“ Why would anyone want to return to the devil or the world from which they have escaped?” Cyprian   This thought from one of the early church fathers sums up the point of what Jesus says.  Three followers were “would da, should da, could da”  It is all about following .  “ I will follow you wherever you go “  ( a scribe –Mt 8).  Enthusiasm without follow through and commitment was this man’s struggle.  He had enthusiastic interest .  But Jesus was going where he did not want to go.  Jesus was going to the cross—“ he set his face steadfastly to go to Jerusalem.”  Without the cross men could not have the life of the ages, that is eternal life.  “ For the Son of man did not come to destroy the lives of many, but to save.” Vs. 56 


   In an article in the latest “ Banner of Truth” Ian Hamilton, Minister of Cambridge Presbyterian Church, UK draws our attention to Abraham as an example of faith.  “ No distrust made him waver concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong in his faith as he gave glory to God, fully convinced that God was able to do what he had promised.” Rom. 4:20-21  Quoting John Calvin then , “ Let us remember that we are all in the same condition as Abraham .  Our circumstances are all in opposition to the promises of God.  He promises us immortality: yet we are surrounded by mortality and corruption.  He declares that He accounts us just: yet we are covered with sins.  …What then are we to do?  We must close our eyes, disregard ourselves and all things connected with us, so that nothing may hinder or prevent us from believing that God is true.”


   Almost .  Almost following Jesus is not following Jesus.  It is following our own paths and our own desires.  Many in the Bible were almost followers.  Lot’s wife looked back we know. She becomes a pillar of salt. “ Gen. 19:26, “ But his wife looked back from behind him…”Jesus says to the third man who wished to go home to say farewell to those at his house,” No one having laid his hand upon the plough, and looking on the things behind is fit for the kingdom of God.”  King Agrippa almost believed. Acts 26 he says to Paul, “ Almost you persuade me to be a Christian.” 26:29 


    Family takes precedence for the second man.  “ Follow me” Jesus says.  “ Let me first go away to bury my father.”  This was a long process.  It was not like today, a viewing and a service or burial.  It was a family affair.  God, Family, Job---priorities of the Christian are clear.  We confuse family and God. We confuse God and job.  God first.  There is a story behind the hymn, “ Stand Up For Jesus”  In 1858 we are told there was a great city-wide revival in Philadelphia.  Dudley Tyng was one of the participating ministers, a 29 year old Episcopalian.  He was known for his bold and fearless stands.  His father, Rev. Stephen Tyng was an influential pastor in Phila at the Church of the Epiphany.  He succeeded his father there.  But some of the members who were “fashionable” became upset with his preaching and his strong stand against slavery.  He left to form the Church of the Covenant.  Over 5000 men came to hear him in 1858 preach from Ex. 10:11” Go now ye that are men and serve the Lord.”  He said ,” I must tell my Master’s errand, and I would rather that this right arm were amputated at the trunk than that I should come short of my duty to you in delivering God’s message.”  The next week this happened as his arm was caught in a corn thrasher.  Loss of blood was severe.  Infection developed.  He died as a result 3 weeks later.  At his death bed, when asked by a group of sorrowful friends for a final statement, he whispered, “ Let us all stand up for Jesus.”  His close friend Rev. George Duffield pastor of the Temple Presbyterian Church wrote a poem and what came was the famous hymn, “ Stand Up for Jesus”


The three would be followers are not said to have made a total commitment to Jesus in these accounts.  We pray that they did.  They were challenged by the word of Jesus.  Cyprian goes on in his thoughts about returning to the devil, “ the Lord warns us …in his gospel lest we return to the devil again and to the world, which we have renounced and from which we have escaped.  …Lest anyone, either because of some desire for wealth or by his own charm be persuaded from following Christ, he added, ‘ He that does not renounce all that he possesses cannot be my disciple.’ “


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