Advent , Remembrance sunday and Endurance

Remembrance Day – Veteran’s Day and some recollections on the coming of Advent- Luke 21:18-19


Today’s gospel from Luke talks of wars and rumors of wars and the persecutions for the Christians as well as being hated for their faith.  But we hear these words of challenge and truth:” by your patient endurance you will gain your souls.”  In England they call it remembrance day which is thought of in november.


“ For the armies of the faithful , souls that passed and left no name;

For the glory that illumines patriots lives of deathless fame.

For our prophets and apostles, loyal to the living Word.

For all the heroes of the spirit, give we thanks O Lord.  William Merrill, 1909


The souls of time past knew something of patience and endurance that it took to win the conflict.  It is said at the funeral of Winston Churchill that something astonishing happened.  1874-1965  The traditional taps was played, but at the end of the service, Reveille sounded, the stirring call that awakens at the beginning of the day.  Churchill was saying something to the crowd that day.  He was reminding us that death is not the end of life.  “ For to him all of them are alive.”  Luke 20


In the next couple of weeks we will begin Advent.  Advent is a wonderful time in the Christian year for it gives time to reflect and pause before we enter into the Festival of Christmas.  Advent is not as penitential as Lent.  The Third Candle of Advent, rose, is Gaudete-Joy.  We drop the singing of the Gloria in Advent until Christmas.  Advent means coming and so we must prepare ourselves for a worthy and fruitful celebration to come.  The coming of Jesus again is certain as we heard in Malachi,” For behold the day is coming, burning like an oven, yes, and all the proud , all who do wickedly will be stubble…”  “ But to you who fear my Name the Sun of Righteousness shall arise with healing in His wings.”


One veteran said it this way, “ the way to freedom is not a fast track”  Recently I had the honor shaking the hands of two WWII veterans.  I thanked them for their service.  One said he did not want any recognition.  He was shipped over to Italy at 20 years old without the knowledge of what the future would hold in that war.  The other served in the Philippines.  He wore a hat that said, “ WW II VET”   The way to freedom is not a fast track is it?  The Church could say that as well.  The seed of the Church is the blood of the martyrs it is said. 


During WWII there was a Lutheran pastor named Dietrich Bonhoeffer ( b. 1906).  He became a part of a confessing Lutheran church because the German church of the state had to swear allegiance to Adolph Hitler. But Bonhoeffer could not accept this and saw what was happening and the persecution of many .  Bonhoeffer was put in prison by the Nazis and because of his participation in a plot to kill Adolph Hitler he was hung by the Nazis.  This happened right before the prison was liberated by the allied Forces .  He used to say if a car was going down the street out of control and killing people that it was our Christian duty to stop the car.  Instead of going along he led by his actions and beliefs. 


Advent is a time of thinking for that final redemption at the second coming of our Lord.  We prepare.  The encouragement is that our Lord said, “ and a hair of your head shall in no wise perish.”  Whatever we face in our lives and in our land we can believe this.  The world cannot harm God’s servants. 


How do we do it?   How do we get thru it?  “ in your patience possess your souls.”  The word there is two Greek words , patience and endurance.  Literally it means to abide under.  “ Patience only grows in trial” in Vine’s Dictionary of NT words  James 1 has the same greek word “ the testing of your faith produces patience”  ..” we glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance , character ; and character , hope.”   Romans 5:3  “ Therefore we …are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses , let us lay aside every weight…and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.” Hebrews 12


“Not Alone for Mighty Empire”  William Merrill

….” Stretching far over land and sea,

Not alone for bounteous harvests, lift we up our hearts to thee.

Standing in the living present, memory and hope between,

Lord we would with deep thanksgiving, praise thee more for things unseen.”


“ Eternal God, Father of our spirits: We rejoice in all who have faithfully lived and triumphantly died. We give Thee thanks for all blessed memories and all enduring hopes; for all the ties that bind us to the unseen world; for all the heroic dead who encompass us like a cloud of witnesses. We pray that we who have entered into the heritage of their heroism and self-sacrifice may so honor their memory and so preserve and further their high purposes that the nation which they defended may stand still in all coming years for righteousness and peace; through Jesus Christ our Lord.Amen.  The Book of Common Worship, Presbyterian Church, USA , 1946.



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