Comfortable Words from the Last Days

2 Thess 2   “ Comfortable Words from the Last Days”


    Have we ever felt that things are just not working the way we planned?  Life deals us its disappointments, heartaches and losses and we can become overwhelmed with the perplexing puzzles we feel we cannot solve our way out of.  Of course much of our culture has its own weaknesses.  It is almost as if we were in one of those bouncy like things that we take our children or grand-children to.  Yes, they are fun, but would if they just went on and on? 


     2:2 of this letter reminds us as well “ not to be quickly shaken in mind….not to be troubled, neither by spirit , nor by word..”   The readers there were thinking in strange ways about the coming of Christ. They thought it was so imminent that they could quit working .  “ not that anyone should deceive you in any way …”   I am sure we can identify with these helpful encouragements .  None of us can say we live trouble free lives and there are times when we certainly are ready to so to speak “throw in the towel.” 


     In the middle of this situation the readers are encouraged ( and this may not sound so) that certain things had to happen in God’s plan and purpose before the coming of Christ in all His glory.  Listen the Apostle tells his beloved Church ---the people of God:  “ the apostasy must come first “ ( that is a falling away from the religion that God has revealed by His holy apostles inspired by the direct intervention of the guiding of the Holy Spirit ) in other words rebellion against God Himself. 


    As well we hear some familiar words about “lawlessness” vs 7 and the “man of sin” vs who “ opposes God “ and sets himself in God’s place.  In I John we read that John has this same concern as well since “ many antichrists have come” who are doing the work of Satan” vs 9.


   Now all this is and can be very disturbing to those who were waiting for the coming of Christ and were very confused about it.  Here is the bottom line up front BLUF-----the Lord will “consume the lawless one with the breath of His mouth and shall destroy with the brightness of His coming” vs 8  .  The timing and the personalities are unknown.  The victory is won, shall be won and will be won forever when Christ returns in all of His glory .  End of story!  That is what the readers need to know.  They need the encouragement of the Apostle to ride it all out so to speak.  But we never should fear the storm because Christ is in the boat with us!

     One of the key verses is verse 12.  There will be a separation at that time.    that all may be judged who believed not the truth ( note the past tense----we cannot wait either..We do not know the day or the time of Christ’s coming.  The unbelieving are described as those who “ delighted in unrigheousness”.


     In the middle of all this the Apostle wants to comfort and assure the Church of that day and us as well.  Listen he says : “ we ought to give thanks ….because you brethren are beloved of the Lord….God chose you from the beginning to salvation in sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth…”   This is not something based on my efforts or my weakness.  Salvation dear friends is not that at all.  It is God’s wonderful work through the gospel ( lit. glad tidings) that releases us from our sin enables us to trust in Christ by faith and prepares for us a place that can never be shaken or bothered by the world. 


     Conclusion---we may be troubled in mind or spirit or body now but because of the glorious good glad tidings of the gospel we have been released from our worries and told that now we must “ Stand firm, and hold fast the traditions which you were taught…” vs 15 .  We need not be living lives that are untrusting that God has it, had it and will always have it!  We can rely on His unwavering promises that can never be broken.  That is why the Apostle reminds the church in this way at the end vs 16 “ But our Lord himself, our Lord Jesus Christ and God our Father who loved us, and gave us eternal encouragement and good hope by grace will encourage and encourage your hearts , and may He establish you in every good work and word.”  What a mouthful. What a Savior!  So let us stop living worried stress made lives and live in the power of that Word to us today . God has done it.  God will do it, and God is doing it now.  Blessed be His name forever! Amen.


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