Joseph a study in ethics

Joseph is an Example to Follow    Matthew 1:18-25


    We can say that in our world that there appears to be a lack of role models to follow .  If someone tells us to do something we usually listen to what they say if we know the person.  But if it does not appear right, we may ask , “ why do you want me to do this?”  It does go back to the person who told us .  We will sometimes continue to discuss, but then we have to make a decision about what is right for us as well as what informs our conscience .


     Joseph definitely had some choices to make .  He was “righteous” according to Matthew which means he was a follower of the law and obviously had faith in God much like his forebears did., ie. Abraham, Moses, Elijah, Isaiah.  And he believed in Mary too.  They had good communication.  But this was an incredible situation.


    Have you ever found yourself in an incredible situation?  It makes it hard to know which choice to make.  Joseph had to choose between two rights.  The Jewish law told him he had to divorce her.  That was a right choice according to it.  Staying with her because he loved her would also be right at least in his own thinking and conscience.  It appears Joseph was going to divorce her, as Matthew Henry says ..” yet in tenderness for her, he determined to do it as privately as possible.”  But I see his “ethical dilemma”.  He was still thinking Matthew says “ ….he thought on these things.”


     I encourage us to think.  We do this every day.  Our world and culture does not allow for us to do this in a very systematic way does it?  We are force fed information through various mediums and we have choices about who and what we should listen to.  That is what going to church is all about.  We are deliberately choosing to listen to someone ( of our choice) explain what God is saying.  We repeat things too like the Lord’s Prayer, the Psalms, the creeds or confessions of time of past that we think reflect the teaching of God in the Scriptures.  But at some point we are challenged as was Joseph to make those decisions for ourselves.  And that is not always so easy, is it?  Which charity do we support?  What do we want others to know about us as we talk with them?  How do we respond to that driver that cuts us off on the road?  This all reminds me of when I was going to seminary and I was sharing with one of the other students my current frustrations and the choices I felt I had to make.  This student then said, “ well , how is that working for you?”  I had to bashfully confess not too well.


     Here is a simple formula for us to follow when we make choices.  Identify the problem.  Now that is the first step and it is not always so easy. That is what Joseph had to do.  I love Mary, but I have to observe the law.  Both are good choices. But how do I choose? Second step is to :  Look at my values and of course in the case of a Christian be informed through God’s values through His Word and Church. Third step is to  then make a decision based on those values we believe in . 


    We have young people as well as the more senior set that have difficulty making choices every day.  I do not see that personally as a bad thing, but at some point our indecision becomes the choice.  We need to be role models for our young people especially and good listeners too that they can see how good choices can be made.  Unfortunately we have many that do not make good choices in the world and they become the standard.  I bet you could name some of the choices you have made as well that you wish you could have a do over for.  We all do.


     Joseph is rescued by the heavenly visitor in his choice.  The angel comes and tells him the familiar words, “ fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost.”  That is what we call the virgin birth and it is something we too are called to believe just as Joseph did.  Of course we say in the liturgy every Sunday.  Do we just say it or do we believe it?  Now the next thing that follows is important because I think the two are linked.


     “ God is with us” ---that is what the word Immanuel means according to Isaiah and Matthew.  If we do not accept the virgin birth then we are putting ourselves above God .  We are saying His words are just fables.  But they are true, and the virgin birth is necessary because Jesus , the sinless eternal Son of God, is born of the virgin Mary and “ He shall save His people from their sins.”   Joseph accepted this.  He followed just what God through the angel told him to do.  “ Then Joseph being raised from sleep did as the angel of the Lord had bidden him.”


      Conclusion I take from a sermon by the Anglican HP Liddon of the late 1800’s when speaking and talking on this passage,” There is one question which every man here should lose no time whatever in answering, if it be not answered yet: What is my actual relation to Him, Who, for love of me, was conceived of the Holy Ghost, and born of the Virgin Mary; my present Redeemer, and my future Judge?”


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