4th Sunday in Advent at ST Michael's

" The Lord is at Hand in Advent----an Attitude of Rejoicing and Response of Gentleness unto All"    Philippians 4:4-7


The Lord is at hand.  His nearness in Advent is a cause for our joy and our rejoicing.  Lack of joy may be coming from several different causes.  It may come from unresolved anger and the inability to accept what God has dealt us so to speak.  In this case it appears in the context of these verses that there was a kind of dispute between some members of the church. This is Paul’s theme in this letter, “ be of the same mind in the Lord”.  4:3


2:2 says “ be ye like-minded, having the same love, being of accord, of one mind.  Let nothing be done through strife…”  The Apostle beseeches Euodias and Syntyche, two women who labored in the gospel to be of the same mind “ in the Lord.”  Now note that it is ok to have different views and that we should have, but our differences in perception should not overrule our unity and oneness in Christ.


Rejoice in the Lord always the Apostle reminds the Philippians.  If joy is not the predominant feature of our Christian lives we have to ask , why not?  Anger can be a dangerous weapon if not handled in appropriate ways.  We all experience anger , disappointment and loss of hope .  Walter Chantry wrote in “ The Banner of Truth” Aug-Sept 2004 about David’s despondency in his encounters with Saul: “  Many detect in David’s despondency a lack of trust in God.  However, it is not uncommon to feel despair after having been subjected to vicious abuse for years…..This situation reminds us that one must be careful when attempting to help disheartened saints.  When believers are discouraged, they do need encouragement to trust in the Lord and in his promises.  However, it is not help to adopt a theory that to be downheartened is sin. Nor is it accurate.  The saints often face dismal prospects.   …Rebuke is not a helpful remedy for the disconsolate.”


I would think just telling someone who has suffered in some way to “rejoice” would not be effective.  Certainly that should be our goal as Christians when the circumstances and the situations of life fail to make us fully appreciate the plan and love of God.  But we do not always feel that way.  Yet we should make it our goal to “ rejoice in the Lord always. Again, I will say rejoice”  Paul was chained to a Soldier who never left him ( Acts 18:20).  Surely he had to wonder how this was all going to work out and he had little to rejoice in his circumstance, yet he could rejoice in the Lord.  The Lord is near to us, or at hand in all things.  “ The Christian disposition of mind in the holy time of Advent . 1) Holy joy; 2) tender love of all people 3) firm trust in God 4) divine peace—difference between the holy mind of Christians and the wanton mind of the world.  1) The sources: the former springs from believing, sanctified hearts; the other is a fruit of the sinful flesh.”  Prohle inPhilippians by Hackett.


“ Let your forbearance be known to all” 4:5 It signifies mildness and a gentle loving spirit.  Some translations call it reasonableness. (ESV) One commentary says the best English translation is “graciousness” ---- a willingness not to render evil for evil when attacked may be another way to describe it. 2 Corinthians 10:1 we read “ Now I Paul myself beseech you by the meekness and gentleness of Christ”  If we do all these things the Apostle says presenting our prayers and supplications with thanksgiving to God “ the peace of God which passes all understanding shall keep our hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”


Let me end with a quote from Michael Ramsey “ …there is only one kind of person who makes God known and realized by other people, and that is the person who is humble because they know God, and knows God because they are humble.  There is no substitute for this.  It is only the humble person who is authoritatively a man or woman of God, a person who makes God real to others.  Through the years people will thank God for you.  Let the reason for their thankfulness be not just that were a person whom they liked or loved, but because you make God real to them.  Put yourself into God’s hands in joy and thankfulness, and in the words of ST Peter, ‘ Humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.’ “ I Peter 5:6-7


In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.


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