Corinthian Problems and a Sacred Trust

Corinthian Problems and a Sacred Message I Cor. 4
      Remember the Corinthians were Christians as we start this passage today.  They needed correction and help but in I Cor 1 :2 we read , " unto the church  ( those called out)  , having been sanctified in Christ Jesus, called saints... I thank my God always concerning you..."  Unfortunately the city of corinth was known for other things, the virtual capital of Greece but a city of "unbridled passion to which men were giving the same time they were discussing philosophies, the wisdom of words." Morgan, The Unfolding Message of the Bible.
 But they were divided in their admiration for individuals outside of building a message to the city about Christ Himself.  Ch 4 talks about this subject of judging others and the ultimate judge is God Himself.  We should take care how we build.  We should not be building the House of God upon men. There were " contentions" among them. 1:11 Some said they were of Paul and some of Apollos ( a well-known orator) or Cephas.  There was so much judging going on that in chapter 4, our epistle lesson for today, that the Apostle says ," but with me it is a very small thing that I should be judged of you...he that judgeth me is the Lord."
      Somehow the spirit of the city had invaded the church and the church was divided in different party spirits.  To that we should look at what Christians and Christian leaders are to be and what is the proper way to handle those who are majoring on people problems instead of on helping people themselves to know Christ who is the way , the Truth and the Life.
      In this background we are told that Christians and leaders in the church are "ministers of Christ".  That word is not the word we would normally think of when we hear "ministers", (usually servants)...this word is the word for the rower in a slave boat and the prefix is "under".  We are under-rowers for Christ.  That word is also used by Luke in Luke 1:2 as Luke talks about the Christian message. " From the beginning we were eyewitnesses and 'ministers' of the word."  It means a subordinate acting under another's direction. (Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words)  We get the point. We are not acting in our own authority as we talk about the witness of the NT and the witness of the Church.  We are acting as 'ministers' or ' officers' of the one who called us, that is Christ Himself!
       That is why that divisions , difficulties and disagreements in the church are so disturbing.  They are not trivial.  They upset the balance of the church.  Merchant Mariners know that when loading the boat ( in fact the merchant schools have a class for it called 'cargo')--- you have to load it in such a way that the ship does not roll over and sink. Weights must be balanced and distributed .  In the church the wisdom of the world is foolishness with God.3:19 The correct application of true judgment under Christ is very important when involved with others.  We are all familiar with the famous chapter 13 that says that love never fails.  An unbalanced ship will sink.  An unbalanced church will as well unless they get righted by the Master /Captain, i.e. Christ Himself.
         The Lord says here to "judge nothing before the time until the Lord come, who will bring to light the hidden things of darkness and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts: and then shall every man have praise of God."  4:5  Charles Erdman summarizes this , " ' Let no man deceive himself,'  writes Paul.  None should pride himself on possessing any superior wisdom as to the way of salvation, or as to a true knowledge of God. It is found only in the gospel of Christ, and in the preaching of the Cross."
          The second word he uses for Christians and Christian leaders is stewards .  This is the word for "householders" or "house managers." A Christian has vast resources in the Scriptures , the Church and tradition to dispense that can help others to know Christ and to make Him known.  The right thing at the right time can help someone who needs it.  Failure to give the right medicine to the spiritual patient will make them get more sick or not get well at all.  The message of the world is foolishness but the message of the Cross is the power of God to those who are being saved. 1 Cor 1:18
       If you look at your little Church calendar you will see this week on WED, FRI and SAT are the ember days. They usually come at the change of seasons. In the Prayer Book you will see a prayer for them when we pray for many " to offer themselves for this ministry; that thereby mankind may be drawn to thy blessed kingdom; through Jesus Christ our Lord." p. 260 1928 BCP  The prayer begins with the petition that God would put it " in the hearts of many.. by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit."   The Ember days are to be days when the Church prays and fasts for its ministers and its ministry, and days when men are ordained . Derek Olsen , " Timely Ember Days" (web)
         Let us all pray during these short days of advent that our zeal for Christ may be strengthened , our fervour for the good news of the gospel may be great that we may be burning lights of witness for our Lord who is to come to us in His first birth but one Day the hearts of all will be judged by Him and made known that He may be glorified in all things in our lives and especially in the Church.C


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