Honor One Another

Honor One Another- Devoted to One Another  Romans 12:10
   These are a couple more in this passage of the 58 "one anothers " in the NT.  We started with vs. 5, " one body we are in Christ, and each one of each other members.." In the practice of our own individual gifts we are reminded in this passage ( gifts are prophecy, that is teaching the Word; or service---the word deacon in Greek; or exhortation , i.e. that is to call on or entreat....;leading with diligence; showing mercy with cheerfulness) that we should practice all of these gifts by 1. in brotherly love towards one another kindly affectioned and 2. in honoring one another before the other.
1.Let me take the second one today in showing forth our interests and concerns for others in the lives we live in the world and in the Church.  It should obviously not be two separate lives .  What people see so to speak is what they get. ..no hidden agendas, not a passive aggressive person that is. 
The words in 12:10b literally mean " in honor one another going before...that is ' trying to outdo one another in showing respect' " .  This reminds me of the band that each member of the band tries to make the others sound look and sound good.  Rejoice when others are honored , when others are successful. One member can cancel out a lot of the others if they are off key or out of step. 
An illustration of this is that when I was in HS somehow I was off the beat and we were playing the National Anthem.  I loudly played but it was not the right time for the notes!  Mr. Darling was not happy.  This was in High School Band  when we were all learning to try and do our best. 
  a. Christ is our Supreme Example on how to do this.
Knowing He was going back to the Father, and near His death, what did Jesus do in John 13? He rose from supper and took a towel , poured water into the basin , and began to wash the feet of the disciples. Jesus took the Pharisees, that is some of the religious leaders of the day, to task for their pride and arrogance. Matthew 23:5-12 " for they say and do not" Jesus said.  " And all their works they do to be seen by men...:  " They love first place in the suppers..."
     b. The Apostle Paul reminds us of a dynamic application of honoring one another through the example again of Christ when he says in Philippians 2:5, " Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus ...who emptied Himself...He humbled himself, having become obedient even unto death,...the death of the Cross."  He had emptied Himself although in the form of God, becoming a slave, having taken the likeness of men.
Some people have a problem honoring others because they want all the attention themselves.  Insecure people are like sponges.  They cannot give. They must always receive.
We should remember that wonderful prayer which is attributed to ST Francis: "Lord, make us instruments of your peace.  Where there is hatred, let us sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is discord, union; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy.  Grant that we may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand; to be loved , as to love.  For it is in giving that we receive; it is in pardoning that we are pardoned; and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Amen."
2.  This practice of our gifts is all done in honour and philadelphia. ...that is 'In brotherly love"....treating others as we would wish to be treated ( the Golden Rule)....That is how we are to treat one another as members of the body of Christ.  ....for we are members, one of another.  Each part is necessary in humility we serve one another and love one another.
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost.  Amen.


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