Members of One Another

Members of One Another  Romans 12:5
    We are " members one of another" in the Church and the Body of Christ. There are 58 " one anothers" in the NT. God has a plan for the Church as we read in Eph 4:15-16 ," speaking the truth in love may grow up into Him in all things, which is the head even Christ, from whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love."  In I Corinthians 12:14-26 in fact he spends almost the whole chapter talking about each member's importance in "the body."
1. No individual Christian can function effectively by himself.
" And the eye cannot say unto the hand, I  have no need of thee." 12:21  We all need each other. If you have dust in the eye, the hand is needed to get it out. Romans 12:15 says " rejoice with them that rejoice, and weep with them that weep."
2.  No member of Christ's body should feel he/she is more important than another member of Christ's body. " no man...(is) not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think." 12:3
There is the story of a little frog who was startled when he looked up and saw an ox drinking out of the pond. He had never seen such a huge creature. Immediately he hopped away to tell his grandfather about the enormous ox. Determined that no one should seem larger in the eyes of his grandsom than he, the old bullfrog began to puff himself up as he asked, " Was he bigger than this?" " Oh yes, Grandfather," answered the little frog, "much larger."  He inflated himself more.  " Bigger than this?" he queried. "Lots bigger!" replied the grandson. The old frog continued to puff until he exploded.
3. Christians should work hard at creating unity in the body of Christ.
I Cor 1:10- " Now I beseech you brethren by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ...that there be no divisions among you.."  Eph 4:3 " endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace."
For example in dealing with anger..." he who overcomes his own anger overcomes a strong enemy."
The newspaper reported a tragic incident of violence that took place in a South American country.  A peasant killed his best friend while they were arguing about political differences. A retired chief of the army, one of the country's finest intellectuals had occasion to question the killer. " Why did you do it?" he asked. " You fought about politics, but why did you kill him?"  In chilling words the peasant answered," We began peacefully, and we argued. I killed him when I ran out of words."
" He who overcomes his own anger overcomes a strong enemy."
How can it  happen.
4. Love for others is the most significant key to unity and effective body function.
In his book Improving Your Serve Charles Swindoll told of a gentle rebuke he received from seminary professor , Bruce Waltke.  They were visiting the famed First Church of Christ Scientist in Boston. An elderly lady was leading the tour, and she began to tell them of the doctrinal beliefs of her church---especially their belief about no judgment in the life to come.  Waltke then said to her quietly, " But , Ma' am, doesn't it say somewhere in the Bible, ' It is appointed unto man once to die and after that the judgment.'? " Swindoll reported " I stood back thinking, ' Go for it , Bruce. Now we've got her where we want her!' " But when the lady suggested they move on, Waltke agreed. Swindoll said he couldn't believe it. His friend had let her off the hook. So he grabbed Waltke and whispered," Hey , why didn't you nail the lady?" Waltke calmly replied, " But Chuck, that wouldn't have been fair. That wouldn't have been very loving either---now would it?" Swindoll commented, " Wham! The quiet rebuke left me reeling." He said he never forgot that moment. He had learned an unforgettable lesson.
Gene Getz says in his book that love functions in the local church which each does its part in love. We should he says not so much look to find our spiritual gift to become spiritually mature.
Allow and help others to become functioning members of the body of Christ. To begin, find one member you are going to help do just that. WHY? " We are members of one another." Ro. 12:5


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