Epiphany living

Epiphany Living Romans 12:1-5
In the church Epiphany used to be one of the major Christian festivals...now not so much. It is celebrated in honor of Christ's nativity (birth). The visit of the magi to the newborn Christ child is remembered, the baptism of Jesus is also part of the festival and the turning of water into wine in the first miracle Jesus did in Cana at the wedding. We read in John 2:11, " this beginning of miracles did Jesus in Cana of Galilee, and manifested forth His glory, and His disciples believed on Him."

How do we show forth His glory and reflect His presence as light in our lives, our church , our community and our nation? What does Epiphany living look like? Romans 12 says that because of " the compassions ( mercies) of God " we should present our bodies a living sacrifice holy well-pleasing to God which is your divinely reasonable service..." This compassion of God is to be seen in our mercy , love and compassion as well in our living: ( same word used here in Colossians 3:12)' put on therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, bowels of mercies, kindness , humbleness of mind, meekness, long-suffering: forbearing one another, and forgiving one another..."

" An old tradition in most countries of Europe was the festival of the ' Kings' Cake, which was baked on Epiphany in honor of the Magi and eaten at a special party in the home on the afternoon of the feast. Often a coin was put in the dough before baking, and the person who found it was the ' King' " in Christian Feasts and Customs by FR Weiser.
We are treat all in compassion hearts as kings. Today as you look around you treat your neighbor as king.

Secondly we are not to be conformed ( fashioned- to another's pattern) to this world but transformed ( metamorphis- changed, transfigured) by the renewing ( renovation, complete change for the better -Thayer by the Holy Spirit) Titus 3:5 " by according to His mercy He saved us....by renewing of the Holy Spirit ...." This is to prove, test , scrutinize , Thayer- to see whether a thing be genuine or not to prove by you what is the will of God the good and pleasing and perfect.

This is the way of true happiness in this world . It is certainly not easy to do this in the world we now live in. We must find ways of securing inner peace through prayer , Scripture and the reading of the books of devotion to which we have committed ourselves. They are all helpful ways to grow in Christ. Perhaps also a mentor or spiritual director is also a way of finding God's will as well in our lives .

Lastly, to show our Epiphany light and the light which is of Christ alone we should as it says in our text: " I say indeed through the grace not to be high minded but to be sober-minded..." ( have sound judgment, to be sensible, to be self-controlled...) Again the world says to put yourself first, and love me, but in true love we must have a sound judgment, patient and sensible with control that we receive from the Holy Spirit.

As we do these things as God's light shining in us through Christ, compassion, renewed minds and self-control we are in the presense of Christ as our opening Scripture said, "....He manifested forth His glory and His disciples believed on Him." That manifestation of Christ is His Epiphany light shown in our behaviour and living.


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