The Gifts we Practice at Ascension

Ascension and Its Practical Meaning Ephesians 4
The Fact of the Ascension of our Lord is well known . Ephesians 1:20 . God has raised Christ from the dead and " set Him (Christ) at His own right hand in the heavenly places....and gave Him to be head over the church....which is His body..." We as Christians have been " raised up and made to sit in heavenly places in Christ Jesus" 2:6 In chapter 4 it says when He ascended He gave "gifts" to Christians. Some were pastors and teachers, some " edify the body of Christ."

This makes me think of the shiny bright car that will not start. If we are Christians and live in the Spirit we have been given faith in Christ who has ascended into heaven by God's power. Our gifts are not to be just shown but to be used . The shiny car that will not start is not any use but to look at , but it cannot get you anywhere. I would rather have an old beat up VW that actually runs that a good looking car that does not do anything.

This is what the Apostle says in ch. 4 in the beginning. " Walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye were called." He then enumerates what this looks like. " With all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love, endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace."
I like what Henri Nouwen said in the devotional this week:"As fearful people we are inclined to develop a mind-set that makes us say: “There’s not enough food for everyone, so I better be sure I save enough for myself in case of emergency,” or “There’s not enough knowledge for everyone to enjoy; so I’d better keep my knowledge to myself, so no one else will use it” or “There’s not enough love to give to everybody, so I’d better keep my friends for myself to prevent others from taking them away from me.” This is a scarcity mentality. It involves hoarding whatever we have, fearful that we won’t have enough to survive. The tragedy, however, is that what you cling to ends up rotting in your hands."

1. " With all lowliness of feeling" -Humility The Greeks did not have humility as a virtue. "Fulness of life" to most non-Christian people in any generation left no room for humility. ( Robinson in Epistle of Paul to the Ephesians , Foulkes) Christ was humble and is an example to us.
What does lowliness of feeling do for our interaction with others?
"I recently read a quote from Francis Frangipane –

I have learned that much of my spiritual progress does not come directly from God, but through my ability to humble myself and hear Him speak through imperfect people."
The Cross on the Hill in Kerrville has many sculptures. The one that I like is the One that is of Christ washing the disciples' feet. I was talking with Max about this one and He said a little girl who went there said, " You can only see the face of Christ if you kneel at His feet." Powerful!

2. Meekness. Same word as " blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth."- gentleness Matthew 5:5- same Greek word . Numbers 12:3- " Now the man Moses was very meek above all the men which were upon the face of the earth."
2 Timothy 2:25 is a key vs of this and says " in meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowleding of the truth..."
" The man who is meek does not assert his own importance or authority." Ephesians by Foulkes.
"A story tells of a corporal at Valley Forge who was directing three men as they tried to lift a log into place. It was too heavy, but the corporal commanded again and again, “All right, men, one, two, three, lift!” A man in an overcoat came by and said to the corporal, ‘Why don’t you help them?” The corporal pulled himself up to full height and replied, “Sir, I am a corporal.” Without a word the man stepped over and with his help the log went easily into place. The man was George Washington.
Gentleness includes true humility that does not consider itself too good or too exalted for humble tasks."

3. Lastly as we think about Ascension and what it means practically, " with longsuffering (patience), forbearing one another in love, endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace."
Someone said to me the other day," you will have to wait. " I said, " that takes patience, and I preach about that!"
To forbear means lit. to
hold up oneself against, in other words bear with or endure.

Conclusion- Christ has ascended into heaven. O Come let us Adore Him. Alleluia. This is the preface we sing before the Venite in Morning Prayer and which I said on Friday before we sang the Venite, Psalm 95.
The Apostle has said that Christ ascended to give gifts unto His people " for the work of the ministry...that we would edify the body in love"
This is as I said in the introduction doctrine with practice, the car that does not start is not much good . The Christian who wallows only in doctrine without its practice is like that. We have been given much. Let us practice His love in doing His work in our world.


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